2016-12-07 73 views

我正在開發一個android應用程序,用於使收件箱中的消息變爲私人,用戶將僅通過面部識別登錄,之後用戶可以閱讀消息並將消息發送給私人聯繫人。我卡在這裏使用人臉識別進行用戶驗證。 我已經使用微軟訂閱密鑰和示例應用程序,並修改它爲我的應用程序,但我不能得到結果只有空白屏幕來。我的活動課是這樣的。面部識別登錄到Android應用程序

public class Recognition extends AppCompatActivity { 
// Background task for face verification. 
private class VerificationTask extends AsyncTask<Void, String, VerifyResult> { 
    // The IDs of two face to verify. 
    private UUID mFaceId0; 
    private UUID mFaceId1; 

    VerificationTask (UUID faceId0, UUID faceId1) { 
     mFaceId0 = faceId0; 
     mFaceId1 = faceId1; 

    protected VerifyResult doInBackground(Void... params) { 
     // Get an instance of face service client to detect faces in image. 
     FaceServiceClient faceServiceClient = SampleApp.getFaceServiceClient(); 

      // Start verification. 
      return faceServiceClient.verify(
        mFaceId0,  /* The first face ID to verify */ 
        mFaceId1);  /* The second face ID to verify */ 
     } catch (Exception e) { 
      return null; 

    protected void onPreExecute() { 
     addLog("Request: Verifying face " + mFaceId0 + " and face " + mFaceId1); 

    protected void onProgressUpdate(String... progress) { 

    protected void onPostExecute(VerifyResult result) { 
     if (result != null) { 
      addLog("Response: Success. Face " + mFaceId0 + " and face " 
        + mFaceId1 + (result.isIdentical ? " " : " don't ") 
        + "belong to the same person"); 

     // Show the result on screen when verification is done. 

// Background task of face detection. 
private class DetectionTask extends AsyncTask<InputStream, String, Face[]> { 
    // Index indicates detecting in which of the two images. 
    private int mIndex; 
    private boolean mSucceed = true; 

    DetectionTask(int index) { 
     mIndex = index; 

    protected Face[] doInBackground(InputStream... params) { 
     // Get an instance of face service client to detect faces in image. 
     FaceServiceClient faceServiceClient = SampleApp.getFaceServiceClient(); 

      // Start detection. 
      return faceServiceClient.detect(
        params[0], /* Input stream of image to detect */ 
        true,  /* Whether to return face ID */ 
        false,  /* Whether to return face landmarks */ 
        /* Which face attributes to analyze, currently we support: 
         age,gender,headPose,smile,facialHair */ 
     } catch (Exception e) { 
      mSucceed = false; 
      return null; 

    protected void onPreExecute() { 
     addLog("Request: Detecting in image" + mIndex); 

    protected void onProgressUpdate(String... progress) { 

    protected void onPostExecute(Face[] result) { 
     // Show the result on screen when detection is done. 
     setUiAfterDetection(result, mIndex, mSucceed); 

// Flag to indicate which task is to be performed. 
private static final int REQUEST_SELECT_IMAGE_0 = 0; 
private static final int REQUEST_SELECT_IMAGE_1 = 1; 
DataBaseHandler db = new DataBaseHandler(this); 

// The IDs of the two faces to be verified. 
private UUID mFaceId0; 
private UUID mFaceId1; 
List<Contact> contacts; 

// The two images from where we get the two faces to verify. 
private Bitmap mBitmap0; 
private Bitmap mBitmap1; 

// The adapter of the ListView which contains the detected faces from the two images. 
protected FaceListAdapter mFaceListAdapter0; 
protected FaceListAdapter mFaceListAdapter1; 

// Progress dialog popped up when communicating with server. 
ProgressDialog progressDialog; 

// When the activity is created, set all the member variables to initial state. 
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 

    // Initialize the two ListViews which contain the thumbnails of the detected faces. 

    progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(this); 

    Intent intent=new Intent(Recognition.this,Inbox.class); 

private Bitmap image_saved() { 
    Bitmap theImage = null; 
    contacts = db.getAllContacts(); 
    for (Contact cn : contacts) { 
     String log = "ID:" + cn.getID() + " Name: " + cn.getName() 
       + " ,Image: " + cn.getImage(); 
     byte[] outImage = cn._image; 
     ByteArrayInputStream imageStream = new  ByteArrayInputStream(outImage); 
     theImage = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream); 
//   imageView.setImageBitmap(theImage); 
//   username.setText(cn.getName()); 
    if (theImage != null) { 

    return theImage; 


public void take_photo() { 
    Intent intent = new Intent("android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE"); 
    intent.putExtra("android.intent.extras.CAMERA_FACING", android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT); 
    intent.putExtra("android.intent.extras.LENS_FACING_FRONT", 1); 
    intent.putExtra("android.intent.extra.USE_FRONT_CAMERA", true); 
    startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_SELECT_IMAGE_0); 

// Called when image selection is done. Begin detecting if the image is selected successfully. 
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { 
    // Index indicates which of the two images is selected. 

    if(resultCode == REQUEST_SELECT_IMAGE_0) { 
     // If image is selected successfully, set the image URI and bitmap. 
     Bitmap bitmap = ImageHelper.loadSizeLimitedBitmapFromUri(
       data.getData(), getContentResolver()); 
     if (bitmap != null) { 
      // Image is select but not detected, disable verification button. 
     int index=0; 

      // Set the image to detect. 
      if (index == 0) { 
       mBitmap0 = bitmap; 
       mFaceId0 = null; 
      } else 
       mBitmap1 = bitmap; 
       mFaceId1 = null; 

      // Add verification log. 
      addLog("Image" + index + ": " + data.getData() + " resized to " + bitmap.getWidth() 
        + "x" + bitmap.getHeight()); 
      detect( image_saved(),1); 
      // Start detecting in image. 
      detect(bitmap, index); 
      Toast.makeText(Recognition.this,"Image Not Match",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 


private boolean next() { 

    new VerificationTask(mFaceId0, mFaceId1).execute(); 
    return true; 

private void setUiAfterVerification(VerifyResult result) { 
    // Verification is done, hide the progress dialog. 

    // Enable all the buttons. 

    // Show verification result. 
    if (result != null) { 
     DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); 
     String verificationResult = (result.isIdentical ? "The same person": "Different persons") 
       + ". The confidence is " + formatter.format(result.confidence); 

// Show the result on screen when detection in image that indicated by index is done. 
private void setUiAfterDetection(Face[] result, int index, boolean succeed) { 

    if (succeed) { 
     addLog("Response: Success. Detected " 
       + result.length + " face(s) in image" + index); 

     setInfo(result.length + " face" + (result.length != 1 ? "s": "") + " detected"); 

     // Show the detailed list of detected faces. 

     // Set the default face ID to the ID of first face, if one or more faces are detected. 


    if (result != null && result.length == 0) { 
     setInfo("No face detected!"); 

    if ((index == 0 && mBitmap1 == null) || (index == 1 && mBitmap0 == null) || index == 2) { 

    if (mFaceId0 != null && mFaceId1 != null) { 

// Start detecting in image specified by index. 
private void detect(Bitmap bitmap, int index) { 
    // Put the image into an input stream for detection. 
    ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
    bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, output); 
    ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray()); 

    // Start a background task to detect faces in the image. 
    new DetectionTask(index).execute(inputStream); 

    // Set the status to show that detection starts. 

// Set the information panel on screen. 
private void setInfo(String info) { 
    TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.info); 

// Add a log item. 
private void addLog(String log) { 

// The adapter of the GridView which contains the thumbnails of the detected faces. 
private abstract class FaceListAdapter extends BaseAdapter { 
    // The detected faces. 
    List<Face> faces; 

    int mIndex; 

    // The thumbnails of detected faces. 
    List<Bitmap> faceThumbnails; 

    // Initialize with detection result and index indicating on which image the result is got. 
    FaceListAdapter(Face[] detectionResult, int index) { 
     faces = new ArrayList<>(); 
     faceThumbnails = new ArrayList<>(); 
     mIndex = index; 

     if (detectionResult != null) { 
      faces = Arrays.asList(detectionResult); 
      for (Face face : faces) { 
       try { 
        // Crop face thumbnail without landmarks drawn. 
          index == 0 ? mBitmap0 : mBitmap1, face.faceRectangle)); 
       } catch (IOException e) { 
        // Show the exception when generating face thumbnail fails. 

    public int getCount() { 
     return faces.size(); 

    public Object getItem(int position) { 
     return faces.get(position); 

    public long getItemId(int position) { 
     return position; 




你似乎忘了在你的問題中包含一個問題。 – Biffen


你的問題有點微不足道,你必須依賴第三方應用程序。我的第一個想法是研究微軟認知服務,並圍繞該服務創建某種認證服務。 (https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/face-api) – grmbl


是的我在你的鏈接@grmbl需要這個,但我怎麼可以在我的android應用程序中使用這些庫作爲登錄用戶身份驗證。我很新,請提供一步一步的程序。 –






我無法獲得我的android應用程序的臉部識別編碼。識別使用面並打開應用程序。 –


請幫助我我卡在這裏,由於這個原因我的項目延遲了3天。請發送給我用於android中的人臉識別功能。 –