2016-07-05 70 views

我正在使用instagram REST API,我需要從JSON響應中抓取圖像鏈接。如何從java中的json響應抓取數組


     "code": 200 
     "attribution": null, 
     "type": "image", 
     "location": null, 
      "count": 7 
     "filter": "Normal", 
     "created_time": "1451066377", 
     "link": "https://www.instagram.com/p/at3rg7uj_9/", 
      "count": 39 
       "url": "https://url.jpg", 
       "width": 320, 
       "height": 320 
       "url": "https://url.jpg", 
       "width": 150, 
       "height": 150 
       "url": "https://url.jpg?ig_cache_key=key", 
       "width": 640, 
       "height": 640 
      "created_time": "1451066377", 
      "text": "caption", 
       "username": "f", 
       "profile_picture": "https://profilepic.jpg", 
       "id": "185333924", 
       "full_name": "name" 
      "id": "17852020759022520" 
     "user_has_liked": false, 
     "id": "1147950432085956322_185333924", 
      "username": "", 
      "profile_picture": "https://prifilepic.jpg", 
      "id": "185333924", 
      "full_name": "name" 

我如何將引用 '圖像' 對象的Java?


JSONObject object = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(s).nextValue(); 
JSONObject images = object.getJSONObject("images"); 
JSONObject image = images.getJSONObject("standard_resolution"); 
String url = image.getString("url"); 


JSONObject object = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(s).nextValue(); 
JSONArray images = object.getJSONArray("images"); 
JSONObject standardRes = images.getJSONObject(2); 
String url = standardRes.getString("url"); 


try { 
     URL url = new URL(link); 
     HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); 
     try { 
      BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream())); 
      StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 
      String line; 
      while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { 
      return stringBuilder.toString(); // s 
     } finally { 
    } catch (Exception e) { 
     Log.e("ERROR", e.getMessage(), e); 
     return null; 



你正在使用哪個JSON庫? GSON,還是簡單的JSON? –


簡單的JSON。我即將嘗試使用GSON,如果我無法解決這個問題 – Plays2


'圖像'嵌套在'data'內 – copeg




JSONObject object = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(s).nextValue(); 
JSONObject data = object.getJSONObject("data"); 
JSONObject images = data.getJSONObject("images"); 

不能接受另外6分鐘,但這是答案。感謝芽 – Plays2



JSONObject object = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(s).nextValue(); 
JSONObject data = object.getJSONObject("data"); 
JSONObject images = object.getJSONObject("images"); 
JSONObject stan_res = object.getJSONObject("standard_resolution"); 
String url = stan_res.getString("url"); 

問題是少多毛的,你可能會想到,因爲要得到你想要的網址,你只有處理JSONObject(而不是JSONObjectJSONArray)。我的代碼潛入JSON結構中,直到碰到standard_resolution JSON對象,然後它提取URL。



public class Caption { 

private String createdTime; 
private String text; 
private From from; 
private String id; 

* @return 
* The createdTime 
public String getCreatedTime() { 
return createdTime; 

* @param createdTime 
* The created_time 
public void setCreatedTime(String createdTime) { 
this.createdTime = createdTime; 

* @return 
* The text 
public String getText() { 
return text; 

* @param text 
* The text 
public void setText(String text) { 
this.text = text; 

* @return 
* The from 
public From getFrom() { 
return from; 

* @param from 
* The from 
public void setFrom(From from) { 
this.from = from; 

* @return 
* The id 
public String getId() { 
return id; 

* @param id 
* The id 
public void setId(String id) { 
this.id = id; 


package com.example; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class Comments { 

private Integer count; 

* @return 
* The count 
public Integer getCount() { 
return count; 

* @param count 
* The count 
public void setCount(Integer count) { 
this.count = count; 


package com.example; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 
import javax.annotation.Generated; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class Data { 

private Object attribution; 
private List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>(); 
private String type; 
private Object location; 
private Comments comments; 
private String filter; 
private String createdTime; 
private String link; 
private Likes likes; 
private Images images; 
private List<Object> usersInPhoto = new ArrayList<Object>(); 
private Caption caption; 
private Boolean userHasLiked; 
private String id; 
private User user; 

* @return 
* The attribution 
public Object getAttribution() { 
return attribution; 

* @param attribution 
* The attribution 
public void setAttribution(Object attribution) { 
this.attribution = attribution; 

* @return 
* The tags 
public List<String> getTags() { 
return tags; 

* @param tags 
* The tags 
public void setTags(List<String> tags) { 
this.tags = tags; 

* @return 
* The type 
public String getType() { 
return type; 

* @param type 
* The type 
public void setType(String type) { 
this.type = type; 

* @return 
* The location 
public Object getLocation() { 
return location; 

* @param location 
* The location 
public void setLocation(Object location) { 
this.location = location; 

* @return 
* The comments 
public Comments getComments() { 
return comments; 

* @param comments 
* The comments 
public void setComments(Comments comments) { 
this.comments = comments; 

* @return 
* The filter 
public String getFilter() { 
return filter; 

* @param filter 
* The filter 
public void setFilter(String filter) { 
this.filter = filter; 

* @return 
* The createdTime 
public String getCreatedTime() { 
return createdTime; 

* @param createdTime 
* The created_time 
public void setCreatedTime(String createdTime) { 
this.createdTime = createdTime; 

* @return 
* The link 
public String getLink() { 
return link; 

* @param link 
* The link 
public void setLink(String link) { 
this.link = link; 

* @return 
* The likes 
public Likes getLikes() { 
return likes; 

* @param likes 
* The likes 
public void setLikes(Likes likes) { 
this.likes = likes; 

* @return 
* The images 
public Images getImages() { 
return images; 

* @param images 
* The images 
public void setImages(Images images) { 
this.images = images; 

* @return 
* The usersInPhoto 
public List<Object> getUsersInPhoto() { 
return usersInPhoto; 

* @param usersInPhoto 
* The users_in_photo 
public void setUsersInPhoto(List<Object> usersInPhoto) { 
this.usersInPhoto = usersInPhoto; 

* @return 
* The caption 
public Caption getCaption() { 
return caption; 

* @param caption 
* The caption 
public void setCaption(Caption caption) { 
this.caption = caption; 

* @return 
* The userHasLiked 
public Boolean getUserHasLiked() { 
return userHasLiked; 

* @param userHasLiked 
* The user_has_liked 
public void setUserHasLiked(Boolean userHasLiked) { 
this.userHasLiked = userHasLiked; 

* @return 
* The id 
public String getId() { 
return id; 

* @param id 
* The id 
public void setId(String id) { 
this.id = id; 

* @return 
* The user 
public User getUser() { 
return user; 

* @param user 
* The user 
public void setUser(User user) { 
this.user = user; 


package com.example; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class Example { 

private Meta meta; 
private Data data; 

* @return 
* The meta 
public Meta getMeta() { 
return meta; 

* @param meta 
* The meta 
public void setMeta(Meta meta) { 
this.meta = meta; 

* @return 
* The data 
public Data getData() { 
return data; 

* @param data 
* The data 
public void setData(Data data) { 
this.data = data; 


package com.example; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class From { 

private String username; 
private String profilePicture; 
private String id; 
private String fullName; 

* @return 
* The username 
public String getUsername() { 
return username; 

* @param username 
* The username 
public void setUsername(String username) { 
this.username = username; 

* @return 
* The profilePicture 
public String getProfilePicture() { 
return profilePicture; 

* @param profilePicture 
* The profile_picture 
public void setProfilePicture(String profilePicture) { 
this.profilePicture = profilePicture; 

* @return 
* The id 
public String getId() { 
return id; 

* @param id 
* The id 
public void setId(String id) { 
this.id = id; 

* @return 
* The fullName 
public String getFullName() { 
return fullName; 

* @param fullName 
* The full_name 
public void setFullName(String fullName) { 
this.fullName = fullName; 


package com.example; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class Images { 

private LowResolution lowResolution; 
private Thumbnail thumbnail; 
private StandardResolution standardResolution; 

* @return 
* The lowResolution 
public LowResolution getLowResolution() { 
return lowResolution; 

* @param lowResolution 
* The low_resolution 
public void setLowResolution(LowResolution lowResolution) { 
this.lowResolution = lowResolution; 

* @return 
* The thumbnail 
public Thumbnail getThumbnail() { 
return thumbnail; 

* @param thumbnail 
* The thumbnail 
public void setThumbnail(Thumbnail thumbnail) { 
this.thumbnail = thumbnail; 

* @return 
* The standardResolution 
public StandardResolution getStandardResolution() { 
return standardResolution; 

* @param standardResolution 
* The standard_resolution 
public void setStandardResolution(StandardResolution standardResolution) { 
this.standardResolution = standardResolution; 


package com.example; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class Likes { 

private Integer count; 

* @return 
* The count 
public Integer getCount() { 
return count; 

* @param count 
* The count 
public void setCount(Integer count) { 
this.count = count; 


package com.example; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class LowResolution { 

private String url; 
private Integer width; 
private Integer height; 

* @return 
* The url 
public String getUrl() { 
return url; 

* @param url 
* The url 
public void setUrl(String url) { 
this.url = url; 

* @return 
* The width 
public Integer getWidth() { 
return width; 

* @param width 
* The width 
public void setWidth(Integer width) { 
this.width = width; 

* @return 
* The height 
public Integer getHeight() { 
return height; 

* @param height 
* The height 
public void setHeight(Integer height) { 
this.height = height; 


package com.example; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class Meta { 

private Integer code; 

* @return 
* The code 
public Integer getCode() { 
return code; 

* @param code 
* The code 
public void setCode(Integer code) { 
this.code = code; 


package com.example; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class StandardResolution { 

private String url; 
private Integer width; 
private Integer height; 

* @return 
* The url 
public String getUrl() { 
return url; 

* @param url 
* The url 
public void setUrl(String url) { 
this.url = url; 

* @return 
* The width 
public Integer getWidth() { 
return width; 

* @param width 
* The width 
public void setWidth(Integer width) { 
this.width = width; 

* @return 
* The height 
public Integer getHeight() { 
return height; 

* @param height 
* The height 
public void setHeight(Integer height) { 
this.height = height; 


package com.example; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class Thumbnail { 

private String url; 
private Integer width; 
private Integer height; 

* @return 
* The url 
public String getUrl() { 
return url; 

* @param url 
* The url 
public void setUrl(String url) { 
this.url = url; 

* @return 
* The width 
public Integer getWidth() { 
return width; 

* @param width 
* The width 
public void setWidth(Integer width) { 
this.width = width; 

* @return 
* The height 
public Integer getHeight() { 
return height; 

* @param height 
* The height 
public void setHeight(Integer height) { 
this.height = height; 


package com.example; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class User { 

private String username; 
private String profilePicture; 
private String id; 
private String fullName; 

* @return 
* The username 
public String getUsername() { 
return username; 

* @param username 
* The username 
public void setUsername(String username) { 
this.username = username; 

* @return 
* The profilePicture 
public String getProfilePicture() { 
return profilePicture; 

* @param profilePicture 
* The profile_picture 
public void setProfilePicture(String profilePicture) { 
this.profilePicture = profilePicture; 

* @return 
* The id 
public String getId() { 
return id; 

* @param id 
* The id 
public void setId(String id) { 
this.id = id; 

* @return 
* The fullName 
public String getFullName() { 
return fullName; 

* @param fullName 
* The full_name 
public void setFullName(String fullName) { 
this.fullName = fullName; 



Example exampleObj = new GSON().fromJson(yourJSON, Example.class); 
    Data dataObj = exampleObj.getData(); 
    Images imagesObj = dataObj.getImages(); 
    //now U can fetch any of your images 
    String imageUrl = imagesObj.getThumbnail().getUrl(); 

這就是它。 另外,我會強烈推薦使用它與REST的改造(你可以看到類似的話題可能會在這裏回答:How to use ProgressDialog to show JSON parsing progress?)。當你要顯示你的圖片(來自url)時,U可以使用Glide或者Picasso庫以簡單且真棒的方式下載它們