我有一個Javascript插件,在這個插件中有很多功能。我想要的是從ActionScript 3代碼調用$.Repro.barraSonido
函數。該插件是這樣的:我如何調用Javascript中的插件中的函數,來自ActionScript 3
(function ($) {
$.fn.Repro = function() {
var parametros = {
ejecucion: false,
lista: null,
audio: 0
var tposic = true;
$.Repro = function (opciones) {
$.ropc = $.extend({}, parametros, opciones);
var Metodos = {
Iniciar: function() {
$('#opc_player').attr('unselectable', 'on').css('user-select', 'none').on('selectstart', false);
$('#btn_play').on('click', $.Repro.musc_play);
return Metodos;
$.Repro.musc_play = function() {
if (!swf('jrepro').ispausa()) $(this).removeClass('play').addClass('parar');
else $(this).removeClass('parar').addClass('play');
return false;
$.Repro.autoplay = function() {
var e = $('.lista_musica').find('.selecc');
if (e.length == 0) return '';
$.ropc.lista = e.parent();
return new Array(s['s' + e.attr('name')], e.attr('aud'));
$.Repro.play = function (c) {
if ($.ropc.lista) {
var el = $.ropc.lista.find("li");
if (c != undefined) {
$.ropc.audio = c;
} else if ($('#btn_aleatorio').hasClass('aleatorioS') && el.length > 1) {
var sg = true;
while (sg) {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * el.length);
if (rnd != $.ropc.audio) sg = false;
$.ropc.audio = rnd;
} else if ($('#btn_repetir').hasClass('repetirS')) {
$.ropc.audio = $.ropc.audio;
} else $.ropc.audio = $.ropc.audio >= (el.length - 1) ? 0 : ($.ropc.audio + 1);
var eil = el.eq($.ropc.audio);
swf('jrepro').r(s['s' + eil.attr('name')], eil.attr('aud'));
if (swf('jrepro').ispausa()) $('#btn_play').removeClass('play').addClass('parar');
else $('#btn_play').removeClass('parar').addClass('play');
$.Repro.barraSonido = function (n, total, n2, total2) {
$.Repro.cargaSonido(n2, total2);
if (n <= total) {
var i_tiempo = (n/1000);
var m = Math.floor(i_tiempo/60),
s = Math.ceil(i_tiempo % 60);
$("#tinicial").html((m > 9 ? m : 0 + '' + m) + ':' + (s > 9 ? s : 0 + '' + s));
var t_total = (total/1000),
fm = Math.floor(t_total/60),
fs = Math.ceil(t_total % 60);
$("#tfinal").html((fm > 9 ? fm : 0 + '' + fm) + ':' + (fs > 9 ? fs : 0 + '' + fs));
if (total > 0 && tposic) {
var pos = Math.round((Math.round(n) * $('#precarga').width())/(total));
$('.bar_pr').css('width', pos + 'px');
$('#player_puntero').css('left', pos + 'px');
$.Repro.cargaSonido = function (n, total) {
if (total > 0 && $('#precarga').width() < 290) {
var posCarg = Math.round((n * 290)/total);
$('#precarga').css({width: posCarg}, 500);
$.Repro.barra = function() {
max: 100,
range: "min",
slide: function (a, c) {
tposic = false;
$('.bar_pr').css('width', c.value + '%');
stop: function (a, c) {
swf('jrepro').tie(parseInt($('#player_puntero').css('left')), $('#precarga').width());
tposic = true;
$.Repro.movPlaylist = function() {};
return $.Repro;
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
function call_javascript(evt:MouseEvent):void {
ExternalInterface.call("$.Reproductor.barraSonido");//Even with "()"
js_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, call_javascript);
<script type="text/javascript">
//Here is the plugin
<object width="300" height="150">
<param name="movie" value="player.swf">
<embed src="player.swf" width="300" height="150">
非常感謝你,我忘了添加jquery.min.js – user2495207