public class WhileStatement<b> extends Statement {
private final Expression condition;
private final Statement body;
* @param c the condition for the while loop
* @param b the body of the loop
public WhileStatement(Expression c, Statement b) {
this.body = b;
this.condition = c;
* Interpret this statement, returning the resulting value.
* @param env the current environment
* @return The integer value from the statement that is the loop
* body when it is last executed, or IntegerValue 0 if the
* loop never executes.
public IntegerValue interpret(Environment env) {
IntegerValue cond = condition.interpret(env);
IntegerValue bod = body.interpret(env);
while (cond.equals(true)) {
return bod;
return new IntegerValue(0);
你所說的「執行機構」是什麼意思?什麼是'Statement'類型?什麼是'Expression'類型?它們是來自java.beans還是你自己的東西?什麼是「IntegerValue」? – RealSkeptic 2015-02-11 20:46:13
你如何評估病情..?是什麼使它成爲真假?什麼是聲明?它是Runnable類型嗎?如果不是,「執行聲明」的含義是什麼?請更具體一些。 – 2015-02-11 21:06:37
'cond.equals(true)'這怎麼可能工作? – 2015-02-11 21:11:26