我想將CSV批量上傳到cassandra 2.0.3中。 現在我已成功將CSV轉換爲sstables。批量將CSV導入到Cassandra 2.0.3中
但是,當我運行sstableloader時,出現如下錯誤消息。這個錯誤影響我的bulkload,因爲我沒有在cassandra 2.0.3中找到導入的數據。
VirtualBox:~/apache-cassandra-2.0.3$ ./bin/sstableloader -d localhost airlines/flight/
ERROR 16:08:04,832 Unable to initialize MemoryMeter (jamm not specified as javaagent). This means Cassandra will be unable to measure object sizes accurately and may consequently OOM.
Established connection to initial hosts
Opening sstables and calculating sections to stream
Streaming relevant part of airlines/flight/airlines-flight-jb-1-Data.db to [/, /]
progress: [/ 1/1 (100%)] [/ 1/1 (100%)] [total: 100% - 0MB/s (avg: 0MB/s)]
我有這個錯誤顯示,但正確的數據流。你加載了多少行(aprrox)? (看起來像你在做幾行,因爲速度爲0MB/s) –