我想從http://kiro.me/projects/textualizer.html使用js textualizer,但它不適合我,我有一個js小提琴去我想知道如果有人可以弄清楚這一點。試圖實現js textualizer
<script src="https://raw.github.com/krisk/textualizer/master/textualizer.min.js"></script>
<div id="output"></div>
Not Working
var list = ['first blurb', 'second blurb', 'third blurb']; // list of blurbs
var txt = $('#output'); // The container in which to render the list
var options = {
duration: 1000, // Time (ms) each blurb will remain on screen
rearrangeDuration: 1000, // Time (ms) a character takes to reach its position
effect: 'random', // Animation effect the characters use to appear
centered: true // Centers the text relative to its container
txt.textualizer(list, options); // textualize it!
txt.textualizer('start'); // start
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