2017-06-26 32 views


function checkNum() { 
var num = 0; 
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { 
    if (typeof arguments[i] !== 'number') { 
    return false; 
return true; 

function addTogether() { 
    var num = 100; 
    if (checkNum()) { 
    return arguments[0] + arguments[1]; 
    } else { 
    return undefined; 
addTogether(2, ""); 



永遠不要使用這樣的'arguments'對象。顯式聲明你的參數,並*將它們明確地作爲參數傳遞,所以你很快就會注意到這裏沒有工作。 – Bergi







// Would you ever think that not a number is of type "number"?! 
console.log(typeof NaN === "number");

現在,根據你的標準的 「數字」,有兩種方法,你可以走了。

  1. 只有數字數字被允許(即6被允許, 「6」 是不是)

// It's better for this function to test one number 
// at a time, so you can react to that particular 
// success or failure 
function checkNum(num) { 
    // No loop and no if/then needed, just return 
    // whether the argument is a number, but don't 
    // test for typeof number because typeof NaN === "number" 
    // Use a regular expression instead 
    var reg = /[0-9]+$/; // digits or strings of characters that are from 0 - 9 
    // Test for only digits not numbers passed as strings 
    // For example 6 is good, "6" is bad. Here, the use of "typeof" 
    // is safe because you are also testing that the input is digits 
    // or characters from 0 to 9 (NaN wouldn't pass this test) 
    return reg.test(num) && typeof num === "number"; // true or false will be returned 

function addTogether(val1, val2) { 
    // Test each input, independantly so that you can react more granularly 
    if (checkNum(val1) && checkNum(val2)) { 
    return val1 + val2; 
    // It's not necessary to have an "else" that returns undefined because 
    // that's what will happen as long as you don't return anything else. 
console.log(addTogether(2, "")); // undefined 
console.log(addTogether(2, 6)); // 8 
console.log(addTogether(2, "6")); // undefined because "6" is a string, not a digit

  • 數字數字數字個字符被允許(即, 6和「6」是允許的)。在這種情況下,您需要確保數字字符在添加完成之前轉換爲數字,以便獲得數學加法而不是字符串連接。
  • // It's better for this function to test one number 
    // at a time, so you can react to that particular 
    // success or failure 
    function checkNum(num) { 
        // No loop and no if/then needed, just return 
        // whether the argument is a number, but don't 
        // test for typeof number because typeof NaN === "number" 
        // Use a regular expression instead 
        var reg = /[0-9]+$/; // digits or strings that are from 0 - 9 
        // Test for only digits and numbers passed as strings 
        return reg.test(num); // true or false will be returned 
    function addTogether(val1, val2) { 
        if (checkNum(val1) && checkNum(val2)) {  
        // If checkNum returns true for numeric characters as well as digits, then 
        // you'd need to ensure that the characters get converted to numbers so that 
        // you get mathmatical addition and not string concatenation. That would be done like this: 
        return +val1 + +val2 
        // It's not necessary to have an "else" that returns undefined because 
        // that's what will happen as long as you don't return anything else. 
    console.log(addTogether(2, "")); // undefined 
    console.log(addTogether(2, 6)); // 8 
    console.log(addTogether(2, "6")); // 8 because "6" is converted to 6, not a string of "6"


    'checkNum()'不需要顯式聲明參數。 'arguments'是獲取傳遞給JavaScript函數參數的有效方法。 [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/arguments) – KyleS


    @KyleSposato是的,但'arguments'在這種情況下將是空的 –


    @KyleSposato我didn不要說'arguments'不是訪問參數的有效方法。我解釋說,在OP的情況下,沒有人傳遞給'checkNum()',因此'arguments.length'將始終爲0.我認爲這很清楚。 –



    if (checkNum(arguments[0], arguments[1])) 

    非常感謝。這解決了這個問題。 –



    // ... 
    if (checkNum.apply(this, arguments)) { 
    // ... 


    function checkNum(a, b) { 
        return typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number'; 
    function addTogether(a, b) { 
        if (checkNum(a, b)) return a + b; 
        else return undefined; // line not needed 
    addTogether(2, ""); 

    downvote背後的任何解釋? 「應用」不鼓勵?我從來沒有遇到過問題。 –