2017-01-03 24 views


我使用發票,並希望將每個新發票的客戶聯繫信息,他們購買的商品,支付的價格,評論等保存到一個單獨的工作簿中 - 在每個新發票/顧客。



複製的數據應粘貼到訂單的單個行中所列。 下面的代碼工作在同一工作簿中,但我一直無法使一些跨工作簿的工作原理:

Sub CopyCustomerData() 

Dim LR As Long, i As Long, cls 

cls = Array("F5", "A11", "F6", "F7", "F11", "F13", "A12", 
"A13", "A14", "D11", "D12", "D13", "D14", "C15", "F42", "F20", "A39") 
With Sheets("Customers") 
    LR = WorksheetFunction.Max(2, .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1) 
    For i = LBound(cls) To UBound(cls) 
     .Cells(LR, i + 1).Value = Sheets("Invoice").Range(cls(i)).Value 
    Next i 
End With 

End Sub 

我的目標是Workbooks.Open ("C:\bm\invoice\Customer_Database.xlsx") With Sheets("CustomerData")




只是出於興趣:它的功能你有沒有發現,在Excel中不再存在? – teylyn


'Sheets(「發票」)是什麼? 'Worksheet'屬於哪個'Worksheet'? Excel如何猜測猜測是哪個?你沒有完全符合你的牀單。嘗試使用'Workbooks(「YourWorkbookkName」)。表格(「YourSheetName」)。Range' –




Dim wb as string 
Dim ap as string 

ap = ActiveWorkbook.Path 'Since they are in the same folder 
wb = ap & "\Customer_Database.xlsx" 

'select you range and copy it like you have done ex. 
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("Your Range Here").Copy 

    Sheets("Sheet Name").Range("Cell to paste date in").Paste 
Workbooks("Customer_Database.xlsx").Close SaveChanges:=True 


Dim DestWb As Workbook 
Dim WbName As String 
Dim ap As String 

ap = ActiveWorkbook.Path 'Since they are in the same folder 
WbName = ap & "\Customer_Database.xlsx" 

' set the opened workbook to a workbook object 
Set DestWb = Workbooks.Open(WbName) 

'select your range and copy it like you have done ex. 
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("Your Range Here").Copy 

With DestWb 
    'directly paste 
    .Sheets("Sheet Name").Range("Cell to paste date in").Paste 
    .Close (True) 
End With 


Sub CopyCustomerData() 
'I ran this macro from the Customer_Database workbook and saved it as a macro enabled 
'workbook. I think it should be saved in the workbook that you are going to be building 
'and maintaining yourself. You can flip a few things around and get it to work from the 
'MasterInvoice1 workbook if you would rather. 

Dim LR As Long, i As Long 
Dim cls As Variant 
Dim AP As String 
Dim wbArray(1 To 4) As String 

AP = ThisWorkbook.Path 

'In my opion this will make it easier to open workbooks and to activate the workbooks. 
wbArray(1) = AP & "\Customer_Database.xlsm" 
wbArray(2) = AP & "\MasterInvoice1.xlsx" 
wbArray(3) = "Customer_Database.xlsx" 
wbArray(4) = "MasterInvoice1.xlsx" 

cls = Array("F5", "A11", "F6", "F7", "F11", "F13", "A12", _ 
"A13", "A14", "D11", "D12", "D13", "D14", "C15", "F42", "F20", "A39") 

'Opens the workbook MasterInvoice1.xlsx, this format needs the full path. 
Workbooks.Open (wbArray(2)) 
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Customers") 
    LR = WorksheetFunction.Max(2, .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1) 
    For i = LBound(cls) To UBound(cls) 
     'Make sure that when you are refering to a sheet in another workbook 
     'have Workbooks(otherWB) before it, or it will think you are looking for 
     'that sheet in the same workbook. 
     'Also this pastes the values in the next column starting on row 2. 
     .Cells(LR, i + 1).Value = Workbooks(wbArray(4)).Sheets("Invoice").Range(cls(i)).Value 
    Next i 
End With 
'This will close the MasterInvoice1.xlsx workbook. 
Workbooks(wbArray(4)).Close SaveChanges:=True 
End Sub 

我可以爲您的代碼提供一些升級嗎?我會將它們添加到答案的底部 –


看起來更好!謝謝 – Blake


我顯然沒有說清楚,或者我只是不知道做這個工作。打開的文件(工作於)和源文件是C:\ bm \ invoice \ MasterInvoice1.xlsx,工作表發票,目標關閉的文件是Customer_Database。xlsx,Sheet-CustomerData在同一個文件夾中。我需要複製散佈在電子表格中的許多獨立單元格(數組),如第一篇文章中所示。所以我需要複製數組,打開目標,粘貼到下一個可用的行。 –


這裏是無需打開使用external references源工作簿替代(未測試)

Sub CopyCustomerData() 
    Dim w As Workbook, r As Range, s as String, a() As String 

    s = " F5 A11 F6 F7 F11 F13 A12 A13 A14 D11 D12 D13 D14 C15 F42 F20 A39" 
    a = Split(Trim(Replace(s, " ", " ='C:\bm\invoice\[MasterInvoice1.xlsx]Invoice'!"))) 

    Set w = Workbooks.Open("C:\bm\invoice\Customer_Database.xlsx") 
    Set r = w.Worksheets("CustomerData").UsedRange 

    Set r = r.Offset(r.Rows.Count).Resize(1, UBound(a) + 1) ' last empty row 
    r.Formula = a 
    r.Value2 = r.Value2  ' optional to convert the formulas to values 

    w.Close SaveChanges:=True 
End Sub 