input_credit_card = function(input)
var format_and_pos = function(char, backspace)
var start = 0;
var end = 0;
var pos = 0;
var separator = "-";
var value = input.value;
if (char !== false)
start = input.selectionStart;
end = input.selectionEnd;
if (backspace && start > 0) // handle backspace onkeydown
if (value[start] == separator)
{ start--; }
// To be able to replace the selection if there is one
value = value.substring(0, start) + char + value.substring(end);
pos = start + char.length; // caret position
var d = 0; // digit count
var dd = 0; // total
var gi = 0; // group index
var newV = "";
var groups = /^\D*3[47]/.test(value) ? // check for American Express
[4, 6, 5] : [4, 4, 4, 4];
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++)
if (/\D/.test(value[i]))
if (start > i)
{ pos--; }
if (d === groups[gi])
newV += separator;
d = 0;
if (start >= i)
{ pos++; }
newV += value[i];
if (d === groups[gi] && groups.length === gi + 1) // max length
{ break; }
input.value = newV;
if (char !== false)
{ input.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); }
input.addEventListener('keypress', function(e)
var code = e.charCode || e.keyCode || e.which;
// Check for tab and arrow keys (needed in Firefox)
if (code !== 9 && (code < 37 || code > 40) &&
// and CTRL+C/CTRL+V
!(e.ctrlKey && (code === 99 || code === 118)))
var char = String.fromCharCode(code);
// if the character is non-digit
// OR
// if the value already contains 15/16 digits and there is no selection
// -> return false (the character is not inserted)
if (/\D/.test(char) || (this.selectionStart === this.selectionEnd &&
this.value.replace(/\D/g, '').length >=
(/^\D*3[47]/.test(this.value) ? 15 : 16))) // 15 digits if Amex
return false;
// backspace doesn't fire the keypress event
input.addEventListener('keydown', function(e)
if (e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 46) // backspace or delete
format_and_pos('', this.selectionStart === this.selectionEnd);
input.addEventListener('paste', function()
// A timeout is needed to get the new value pasted
setTimeout(function(){ format_and_pos(''); }, 50);
input.addEventListener('blur', function()
// reformat onblur just in case (optional)
format_and_pos(this, false);
使用四種不同的輸入字段,並結合他們的服務器端。做它的客戶端不值得麻煩,並可以混淆用戶,當他們不期望它。 – Blazemonger 2012-07-24 14:01:08
你有試過什麼嗎?你有代碼嗎? – 2012-07-24 14:02:58
@Blazemonger,我不是一個用戶體驗的人,但是那些使用佔位符的網站肯定不會打擾我。我認爲,可以避免刺激用戶。 – Brad 2012-07-24 14:03:11