2014-05-20 35 views

我遇到的問題是從中刪除部分數據。在SQL Server中刪除行列中的部分文本


Adjusted By Abbr Malkum on 02/06/2014 5:10:12 PM Session 1 Time-In changed from 9:14 AM to 9:16 AM Session 1 Time-Out changed from 9:15 AM to "Not Set" with Notes: Forgot to clock  out, Automatically adjusted. 
Adjusted By Abbr Malkum on 02/06/2014 5:07:27 PM Session 1 Time-In changed from 10:48 AM to 10:50 AM Adjusted By Abbr Malkum on 02/06/2014 5:07:34 PM Session 1 Time-In changed from 10:50 AM to "Not Set" 


"Adjusted By Abbr Malkum on 02/06/2014 5:10:12 PM " 

Adju ...直到會議文本

任何機構可以幫助開始啓動第一線? 我並不是SQL Server的專家,但我確定必須有一些索引查找,然後替換
