我的代碼已經在兩點之間獲得了polyine,但是我希望能夠在Google Map上顯示的是類似於polyines的路由方向,從一個角度說A到另一個角度B.任何有關如何我可以顯示路由方向。這裏是我在asp.net c#代碼獲取折線:谷歌地圖中的路由方向
List<LatLng> Coords = new List<LatLng>();
while (reader.Read())
// perhaps even: lat = reader.GetDouble(0);
lat = Convert.ToDouble(reader[0].ToString());
log = Convert.ToDouble(reader[1].ToString());
// add the next point in the polyline
Coords.Add(new LatLng(lat, log));
GMap.Add(new PolyLine(Coords, Color.Red, 100f, 2, new InfoWindow("")));
// Lastly, identify the center of the polyline and add that point:
GMap.Center = Coords[Coords.Count/2];
GMap.ZoomLevel = 12;
GMap.Add(new ImageMarker(GMap.Center, " ", new InfoWindow(""), "");