您的PHP安裝不支持PostgreSQL。您需要使用--with-pgsql configure選項重新編譯PHP。
im使用XAMPP版本1.7.7,9.2.4 PostgreSQL的64位,並phpPgAdmin的5.1
1. open "config.inc.php" found in C:\xampp\phpPgAdmin\conf\ and set "extra_login_security" to false
$conf['extra_login_security'] = false;
2. Find php.ini file, in C: \ xampp \ php \ php.ini,
then look for the line " ; extension = php_pgsql.dll "remove tag ';' it so that the
result was" extension = php_pgsql.dll "
3. open c:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf and in section <IfModule mime_module> add
Alias /phppgadmin "c:/xampp/phpPgAdmin/"
<Directory "c:/xampp/phpPgAdmin">
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
4. LoadFile 「C:/xammp/php/libpq.dll」
曾爲正確。謝謝.. :-) – Rajesh
這應該是標記爲正確,因爲這完全有效。謝謝。 –
也爲我工作。應該被接受 – Mathomatic