links = [] # Until now I have just manually pasted a few links
# into this list, but I need it to contain all the URLs to scrape
# Function for removing html tags from text
TAG_RE = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>')
def remove_tags(text):
return TAG_RE.sub('', text)
# Regex to match dates with pattern DD-MM-YYYY
date_match = re.compile(r'\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\d\d')
# For-loop to scrape variables from site
for link in links:
# Opening up connection and grabbing page
uClient = uReq(link)
# Saves content of page in new variable (still in HTML!!)
page_html = uClient.read()
# Close connection
# Parsing page with soup
page_soup = soup(page_html, "html.parser")
# Grabs page
pr_container = page_soup.findAll("div",{"id":"website"})
# Scrape date
date_container = pr_container[0].time
date = date_container.text
date = date_match.search(date)
date = date.group()
# Scrape title
title = page_soup.h1.text
title_clean = title.replace("\n", " ")
title_clean = title_clean.replace("\xa0", "")
title_clean = ' '.join(title_clean.split())
title = title_clean
# Scrape institutions involved
type_of_question_container = pr_container[0].findAll("div", {"class":"ep_subtitle"})
text = type_of_question_container[0].text
question_clean = text.replace("\n", " ")
question_clean = text.replace("\xa0", " ")
question_clean = re.sub("\d+", "", question_clean) # Redundant?
question_clean = question_clean.replace("-", "")
question_clean = question_clean.replace(":", "")
question_clean = question_clean.replace("Press Releases"," ")
question_clean = ' '.join(question_clean.split())
institutions_mentioned = question_clean
# Scrape text
text_container = pr_container[0].findAll("div", {"class":"ep-a_text"})
text_with_tags = str(text_container)
text_clean = remove_tags(text_with_tags)
text_clean = text_clean.replace("\n", " ")
text_clean = text_clean.replace(",", " ") # Removing commas to avoid trouble with .csv-format later on
text_clean = text_clean.replace("\xa0", " ")
text_clean = ' '.join(text_clean.split())
# Calculate word count
word_count = len(text_clean.split())
word_count = str(word_count)
print("Finished scraping: " + link)
f.write(date + "," + title + ","+ institutions_mentioned + "," + word_count + "," + text_clean + "\n")
HTML有電流法puting的URL,在HTML我們有:SRC,所有鏈接href和行動,爲SRC =>( '腳本', 'IMG', '源', '視頻',「 ('a','link','area','base')和action =>('form','if','input' ),首先你需要將這些標籤解壓縮,然後提取它們的每個src,href和action sub_tag(不需要解析任何東西或刪除髒字符串),用這種方法可以提取所有標準的html url,你可以用beautifulsoup模塊和兩個FORS! – DRPK