2013-08-01 72 views

我剛剛安裝了Canopy Express並希望測試其虛擬環境集成。我發現,當我停用虛擬環境中,我的系統的Python將恢復爲默認安裝:Canopy Express python不會持續

Mímisbrunnr:~ me$ which python 
Mímisbrunnr:~ me$ venv ~/Projects/ProjectX/myvenv 
Mímisbrunnr:~ me$ source ~/Projects/ProjectX/myvenv/bin/activate 
(myvenv) Mímisbrunnr:~ me$ deactivate 
Mímisbrunnr:~ me$ which python 

除了是新雨棚,我是新來OS X.我懷疑這個問題與做我的.bash_profile.profile文件,但我似乎無法看到如何讓他們彼此合作。這是我目前的.profile

# OS X looks in here first, but aliases in here won't work in xterm, screen, etc., so we port it over 
echo 'source ~/.profile' >> ~/.bash_profile 

# Added by Canopy installer on 2013-08-01 
# VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT can be set to '' to make bashprompt show that Canopy is active, otherwise 1 
#VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT=1 source /Users/me/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/bin/activate 


# set architecture flags to let compiler know it should assume 64 bits 
export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" 

# Added by Canopy installer on 2013-08-01 
# VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT can be set to '' to make bashprompt show that Canopy is active, otherwise 1 
VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT=1 source /Users/me/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/bin/activate 

# ensure user-installed binaries take precedence 
#export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin 

# alias to start Canopy 
alias canopy='open /Applications/Canopy.app' 

# alias to combine cd & ls 
function cdl() { 
    cd "[email protected]" && ls 

其中一些條目是從我前面沒有雨棚安裝IPython的嘗試,所以我可以在條款已經搞砸了Canopy期望的。我如何配置這些文件以保持Canopy Python的始終?




activate默認腳本deactivate s運行時 - 請參閱~/Projects/ProjectX/myvenv/bin/activate-deactivate nondestructive中的第38行。該行刪除所有有關Canopy Python被設置爲默認Python的舊信息。在採購文件之前,您可能會註釋掉這一行。但是,我認爲在調用停用後運行source ~/.bash_profile,是一種更簡單的解決方法。


這就是訣竅!感謝知道的答案。我不得不說,我不明白爲什麼這是一種理想的行爲,但我可以使用解決方案。 – verbsintransit