2011-03-29 22 views

我想在我的MacBook Pro雪豹安裝Test::Continuous Perl模塊,使用下面的命令安裝:如何安裝Test :: Continuous?

sudo -s 'curl -L cpanmin.us | perl - Test::Continuous' 


--> Working on Test::Continuous 
Fetching http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/G/GU/GUGOD/Test-Continuous-0.69.tar.gz ... OK 
Configuring Test-Continuous-0.69 ... OK 
==> Found dependencies: Log::Dispatch::DesktopNotification 
--> Working on Log::Dispatch::DesktopNotification 
Fetching http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/F/FL/FLORA/Log-Dispatch-DesktopNotification-0.01.tar.gz ... OK 
Configuring Log-Dispatch-DesktopNotification-0.01 ... OK 
==> Found dependencies: Log::Dispatch::MacGrowl 
--> Working on Log::Dispatch::MacGrowl 
Fetching http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/R/RY/RYOCHIN/Log-Dispatch-MacGrowl/Log-Dispatch-MacGrowl-0.02.tar.gz ... OK 
Configuring Log-Dispatch-MacGrowl-0.02 ... OK 
==> Found dependencies: Mac::Growl 
--> Working on Mac::Growl 
Fetching http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Growl-0.67.tar.gz ... OK 
Configuring Mac-Growl-0.67 ... OK 
Building and testing Mac-Growl-0.67 ... FAIL 
! Installing Mac::Growl failed. See /Users/purinkle/.cpanm/build.log for details. 
! Bailing out the installation for Log-Dispatch-MacGrowl-0.02. Retry with --prompt or --force. 
! Bailing out the installation for Log-Dispatch-DesktopNotification-0.01. Retry with --prompt or --force. 
! Bailing out the installation for Test-Continuous-0.69. Retry with --prompt or --force. 


Work directory is /Users/purinkle/.cpanm/work/1301425867.22435 
You have make /usr/bin/make 
You have LWP 5.813 
You have /usr/bin/tar: bsdtar 2.6.2 - libarchive 2.6.2 
You have /usr/bin/unzip 
Searching Test::Continuous on cpanmetadb ... 
--> Working on Test::Continuous 
Fetching http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/G/GU/GUGOD/Test-Continuous-0.69.tar.gz 
-> OK 
Unpacking Test-Continuous-0.69.tar.gz 
Entering Test-Continuous-0.69 
Checking configure dependencies from META.yml 
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.42 ... Yes (6.56) 
Configuring Test-Continuous-0.69 
Running Makefile.PL 
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03 
*** Checking for Perl dependencies... 
*** Since we're running under CPAN, I'll just let it take care 
of the dependency's installation later. 
[Core Features] 
- Test::More       ...loaded. (0.98 >= 0.42) 
- Exporter::Lite      ...loaded. (0.02 >= 0.02) 
- File::Spec       ...loaded. (3.33 >= 3.29) 
- File::Temp       ...loaded. (0.22 >= 0.21) 
- List::MoreUtils     ...loaded. (0.22 >= 0.22) 
- Log::Dispatch      ...loaded. (2.29 >= 2.22) 
- Module::ExtractUse     ...loaded. (0.23 >= 0.23) 
- TAP::Harness      ...loaded. (3.22 >= 3.16) 
- self        ...loaded. (0.34 >= 0.32) 
- File::ChangeNotify     ...loaded. (0.19 >= 0.12) 
[Graphical notifications] 
- Log::Dispatch::DesktopNotification ...missing. 
==> Auto-install the 1 optional module(s) from CPAN? [Y/n] y 
*** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished. 
Checking if your kit is complete... 
Looks good 
Warning: prerequisite Log::Dispatch::DesktopNotification 0 not found. 
Writing Makefile for Test::Continuous 
-> OK 
Finding PREREQ from Makefile ... 
Checking if you have Exporter::Lite 0.02 ... Yes (0.02) 
Checking if you have File::Spec 3.29 ... Yes (3.33) 
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.42 ... Yes (6.56) 
Checking if you have self 0.32 ... Yes (0.34) 
Checking if you have TAP::Harness 3.16 ... Yes (3.22) 
Checking if you have Module::ExtractUse 0.23 ... Yes (0.23) 
Checking if you have File::ChangeNotify 0.12 ... Yes (0.19) 
Checking if you have Test::More 0.42 ... Yes (0.98) 
Checking if you have Log::Dispatch::DesktopNotification 0 ... No 
Checking if you have File::Temp 0.21 ... Yes (0.22) 
Checking if you have Log::Dispatch 2.22 ... Yes (2.29) 
Checking if you have List::MoreUtils 0.22 ... Yes (0.22) 
==> Found dependencies: Log::Dispatch::DesktopNotification 
Searching Log::Dispatch::DesktopNotification on cpanmetadb ... 
--> Working on Log::Dispatch::DesktopNotification 
Fetching http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/F/FL/FLORA/Log-Dispatch-DesktopNotification-0.01.tar.gz 
-> OK 
Unpacking Log-Dispatch-DesktopNotification-0.01.tar.gz 
Entering Log-Dispatch-DesktopNotification-0.01 
Checking configure dependencies from META.yml 

Configuring Log-Dispatch-DesktopNotification-0.01 
Running Makefile.PL 
Cannot determine perl version info from lib/Log/Dispatch/DesktopNotification.pm 
Warning: prerequisite Log::Dispatch::MacGrowl 0 not found. 
Checking if your kit is complete... 
Looks good 
Writing Makefile for Log::Dispatch::DesktopNotification 
-> OK 
Finding PREREQ from Makefile ... 
Checking if you have namespace::clean 0 ... Yes (0.14) 
Checking if you have Log::Dispatch::MacGrowl 0 ... No 
Checking if you have Module::Load 0 ... Yes (0.12) 
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.56 ... Yes (6.56) 
Checking if you have Log::Dispatch 0 ... Yes (2.29) 
Checking if you have Module::Load::Conditional 0 ... Yes (0.22) 
==> Found dependencies: Log::Dispatch::MacGrowl 
Searching Log::Dispatch::MacGrowl on cpanmetadb ... 
--> Working on Log::Dispatch::MacGrowl 
Fetching http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/R/RY/RYOCHIN/Log-Dispatch-MacGrowl/Log-Dispatch-MacGrowl-0.02.tar.gz 
-> OK 
Unpacking Log-Dispatch-MacGrowl-0.02.tar.gz 
Entering Log-Dispatch-MacGrowl-0.02 
Checking configure dependencies from META.yml 
Checking if you have Module::Build 0.36 ... Yes (0.3607) 
Configuring Log-Dispatch-MacGrowl-0.02 
Running Build.PL 
Checking prerequisites... 
    ! Mac::Growl is not installed 
    * Cocoa::Growl is not installed 

ERRORS/WARNINGS FOUND IN PREREQUISITES. You may wish to install the versions 
of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this installation 

Creating new 'MYMETA.yml' with configuration results 
Creating new 'Build' script for 'Log-Dispatch-MacGrowl' version '0.02' 
-> OK 
Checking dependencies from MYMETA.yml ... 
Checking if you have Mac::Growl 0 ... No 
Checking if you have Log::Dispatch 0 ... Yes (2.29) 
Checking if you have Test::More 0 ... Yes (0.98) 
==> Found dependencies: Mac::Growl 
Searching Mac::Growl on cpanmetadb ... 
--> Working on Mac::Growl 
Fetching http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Growl-0.67.tar.gz 
-> OK 
Unpacking Mac-Growl-0.67.tar.gz 
Entering Mac-Growl-0.67 
META.yml not found or unparsable. Fetching META.yml from search.cpan.org 
Configuring Mac-Growl-0.67 
Running Makefile.PL 
Checking if your kit is complete... 
Looks good 
Writing Makefile for Mac::Growl 
-> OK 
Finding PREREQ from Makefile ... 
Building and testing Mac-Growl-0.67 
cp lib/Mac/Growl.pm blib/lib/Mac/Growl.pm 
cp lib/Mac/Glue/glues/GrowlHelperApp blib/lib/Mac/Glue/glues/GrowlHelperApp 
cp lib/Mac/Glue/glues/GrowlHelperApp.pod blib/lib/Mac/Glue/glues/GrowlHelperApp.pod 
Manifying blib/man3/Mac::Growl.3pm 
Manifying blib/man3/Mac::Glue::glues::GrowlHelperApp.3pm 
Can't load '/Library/Perl/5.10.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/MacPerl/MacPerl.bundle' for module MacPerl: /Library/Perl/5.10.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/MacPerl/MacPerl.bundle: no appropriate 64-bit architecture (see "man perl" for running in 32-bit mode) at /System/Library/Perl/5.10.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level/DynaLoader.pm line 207. 
at /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.10.0/Mac/Glue/Common.pm line 21 
Compilation failed in require at /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.10.0/Mac/Glue/Common.pm line 21. 
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.10.0/Mac/Glue/Common.pm line 21. 
Compilation failed in require at /usr/bin/gluemac5.10.0 line 27. 

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/gluemac5.10.0 line 27. 
make: *** [.makeglue] Error 9 
-> FAIL Installing Mac::Growl failed. See /Users/purinkle/.cpanm/build.log for details. 
-> FAIL Bailing out the installation for Log-Dispatch-MacGrowl-0.02. Retry with --prompt or --force. 
-> FAIL Bailing out the installation for Log-Dispatch-DesktopNotification-0.01. Retry with --prompt or --force. 
-> FAIL Bailing out the installation for Test-Continuous-0.69. Retry with --prompt or --force. 

