2015-06-30 210 views

我剛剛發現,position: fixed元素不能很好地工作,如果你想讓它們在position: relative父母之內,它似乎總是指向窗口。我想知道是否有什麼我可以做的,因爲它尊重父窗格的界限,而不是窗口,也就是說div如何定位?我知道-webkit-sticky然而它的支持是不夠的項目要求。使位置:固定元素尊重父母與位置:相對


爲什麼要在相對元素中使用固定元素? – messerbill


@messerbill這個元素裏面的內容是水平滾動的,我需要一個'粘性頁腳',它不會跟着滾動 – Ilja


所以你爲什麼要使用固定的位置呢? plz發佈一些代碼 - 更新你的問題,這樣做 – messerbill




.container { 
    background: grey; 
    position: relative; 
    top: 60px; 
    overflow: visible; 
.fixed { 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 55px; 
    background: blue; 
    position: absolute; 
    top: 10px; 
.scrollable { 
    height: 200px; 
    overflow: auto; 
<div class="container"> 
    <div class="scrollable">HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element 
    inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration 
    text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative 
    element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element. HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" 
    element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some 
    demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element. Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!</div> 
    <div class="fixed"></div> 



.container { 
    background: grey; 
    position: relative; 
    top: 60px; 
    overflow: visible; 
.fixed { 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 55px; 
    background: blue; 
.scrollable { 
    height: 200px; 
    overflow: auto; 
<div class="container"> 
    <div class="scrollable">HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element 
    inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration 
    text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative 
    element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element. HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" 
    element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some 
    demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element.HEre is some demonstration text that shows a "fixed" element inside a position relative element. Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!Scroll me now! I am scrollable!</div> 
    <div class="fixed"></div> 

