如果我在dicksons方法函數中註釋掉printf行,則會出現分段錯誤。如果我將它放在代碼運行中併產生正確的答案。爲什麼? 我已經包括了所有的代碼,因爲只有一部分可能會當我註釋掉printf語句時,爲什麼會出現分段錯誤
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
int bruteforce(int max){
int bruteforcerefined(int max){
int dicksonsmethod(int max){
printf("The Dickson method\n");// If I comment out this line I get a Segmentation fault.
int r,dm,fp;
int a=1,b=2,c=3;
int perimeter,multiplier;
int paircount=0;
int factorpairs[2][20];
for (r=2;;r+=2){ // infinite loop
paircount=0;// Get the count of factor pairs, and the pairs of factors
for (fp=1;fp<(dm/2)+1;fp++){
if (dm%fp==0){
if(fp >=dm/fp){ // fp >=dm/fp to avoid duplicating pairs in reverse
break; // do not want to get reverse facor pairs
for (fp=1;fp<=paircount;fp++){ // for each Dickenson pair
a=r+factorpairs[fp][0]; // get the pythagorean triplet
if(max%perimeter==0){ // and see if it will scale to required size
// printf("Sides %d %d %d as a triplet, the sum being %d, from factor pairs %d and %d \n",a,b,c,perimeter=a+b+c,factorpairs[fp][0],factorpairs[fp][1]);
return a*b*c*multiplier*multiplier*multiplier;
int main()
int max=1000;
char str;
while (1){
printf("Compare various methods of finding Pythagorean Triples to fullfil the specified conditions\n");
printf("1 - The Brute Force method.\n");
printf("2 - The Brute Force method, refined.\n");
printf("3 - The Dickson\'s method.\n");
printf("The Fibbonacci method, does not product usable triplets in a timely manner.\n");
printf("The Squared Difference, special method, does not product usable triplets in a timely manner.\n");
printf("The Squared Difference, general method, does not product usable triplets in a timely manner.\n");
printf("Enter a number 1 - 3 to execute or E to exit:- ");
scanf(" %c",&str);
clock_t begin, end;
double time_spent;
begin = clock();
/* here, do your time-consuming job */
if (str == '1') {
printf("Brute force produces %d\n",bruteforce(max));
if (str == '2') {
printf("Checking multiples of triplets produces %d\n",bruteforcerefined(max));
if (str == '3') {
printf("The Dickson\'s method produces %d\n",dicksonsmethod(max));
end = clock();
time_spent = (double)(end - begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf(" and took %f seconds",time_spent);
if(str == 'E' || str == 'e'){
return 1;
您可能正在訪問不屬於您的內存。 – immibis 2015-03-30 23:08:55
您是否嘗試過在調試器中運行它以查找崩潰的行? – teppic 2015-03-30 23:44:30