{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
data MyType = MyType Int
data Outer = Outer { _inners :: [ Inner ] }
data Inner = Inner { _val :: MyType }
$(makeLenses ''Outer)
$(makeLenses ''Inner)
i1 = Inner (MyType 1)
i2 = Inner (MyType 2)
o = Outer [i1, i2]
x = o ^. inners . ix 0 . val
No instance for (Data.Monoid.Monoid MyType)
arising from a use of `ix'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (Data.Monoid.Monoid MyType)
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `ix 0'
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `ix 0 . val'
In the second argument of `(^.)', namely `inners . ix 0 . val'
假定它沒有任何意義的MyType是一個monoid,我怎麼能得到一個鏡頭(或遍歷,或任何最合適的 - 我不知道的區別),讓我訪問此嵌套字段?最好具有讀取和更新的能力。
[這個問題](http://stackoverflow.com/q/13434568/712548)(我的回答)也可能與此有關。 – shachaf