我通過代碼檢查找到了答案。 加入wiki page with example
middleware = [ [ Rack::Auth::Basic, 'Restricted Area',
lambda { |username, password| [username, password] = ['admin', 'admin'] ] ]
FnordMetric::Web.new(use: middleware)
- 1. basic auth apache&symfony
- 2. Node.js http basic auth
- 3. android basic auth okhttpclient
- 4. apache LocationMatch和Basic Auth
- 5. basic auth http-builder-ng
- 6. FOSRestBundle add http basic auth
- 7. Netbeans Basic Http Auth Jax-WS
- 8. kubernetes nginx ingress zipkin basic-auth
- 9. ASP.NET Basic Auth Config內部?
- 10. WSDL to PHP with Basic Auth
- 11. 守望者vs Rack :: Auth :: Basic。在Ruby-Framework中執行HTTP-Basic-Auth認證
- 12. 設置Laravel Basic Auth的境界?
- 13. Sinatra與WebBrick和OpenSSL/HTTPS Rack :: Auth :: Basic
- 14. 關於OAuth(1.0a和2.0)和Http Basic Auth
- 15. PHP/Symfony彈性beanstalk basic http auth
- 16. mod_perl basic auth,$ r-> user()失敗
- 17. NGINX - auth basic如果$ arg包含'admin'
- 18. yii2 rest api basic auth throws 401未授權
- 19. 沒有web.xml修改的Tomcat BASIC Auth
- 20. 如何發送一個http basic auth post?
- 21. Rack :: Auth :: Basic銷燬會話(註銷)
- 22. Rails:與FnordMetric類似的寶石?
- 23. 如何在Rails Metal中使用http basic auth?
- 24. 如何在Play Framework 1.2中實現HTTP Basic Auth?
- 25. 啓用Apache Basic Auth導致服務器連接失敗
- 26. 當hapi-auth-basic驗證函數被調用時
- 27. Rails:訪問用於HTTP Basic Auth的用戶名/密碼?
- 28. SpringBoot basic auth忽略以.wsdl結尾的URL
- 29. flask-httpauth:get_password裝飾器是如何爲basic-auth工作的?
- 30. 通過Rack :: Auth :: Basic有選擇地允許一些網址