與類型的文本或隱框的佔位符HTML的輸入被預先用ID = CBID,其中CBID是分配給HTML文本輸入框的ID創建。
var cbId = "comboBoxId";
<input type="hidden" id="\" + cbId + "\" />
function OP_createComboBox(cbId, placeholder, dataTextField, dataValueField, dataSource, selectFunction) {
console.log(" * Creating non-cascading ComboBox...");
$("#" + cbId).kendoComboBox({
Name: cbId,
id: cbId,
placeholder: placeholder,
dataTextField: dataTextField,
dataValueField: dataValueField,
filter: "contains",
suggest: true,
dataSource: dataSource,
select: onFubarSelect
當在組合框選擇了項目時,onFubar功能獲取與一個事件參數調用。 說出onFubar函數定義如下:
function onFubarSelect(e) {
console.log("== onFubarSelect(e=>%o<=) STARTS!! ==", e);
console.log("* e.item.index()=>%o<=", e.item.index());
var dataItem = this.dataItem(e.item.index());
console.log("* dataItem=>%o<=", dataItem);
OP_consoleLog("* dataItem.<dataTextField>=>%o<=", dataItem.<dataTextField>);
//do more logic based upon the values of <dataTextField> and <dataValueField>
OP_consoleLog("== onFubarSelect() ENDS ==");
當頁面讀取器和一個項目從kendoComboBox選中,onFubarSelect被調用和 的console.log(「*的DataItem =>%氧氣< =」 , 數據項);將打印出的東西simular這樣:
== onFubarSelect(e=> VV Object
_defaultPrevented: false
>> isDefaultPrevented:()
>> item: R.fn.init[1]
>>sender: init
>>__proto__: Object<=) STARTS!!
<= STARTS!! ==
* e.item.index()=>1<=
* dataItem=> VV init <=
<dataValueField>: "35dcffc5-e31d-4c60-ac41-31417a700d3b"
<dataTextField>: "The Value associated with the above Guid"
>>_events: Object
>>_handlers: Object
uid: "f1f1b5c1-f155-40c3-8f69-d9b4a960ac15"
>>__proto__: init
* dataItem.<dataTextField>=>"The Value associated with the above Guid"<=
== onFubarSelect() ENDS ==
到目前爲止一切順利。 但我不想選擇參數硬編碼到onFubarSelect:
$("#" + cbId).kendoComboBox({
Name: cbId,
select: onFubarSelect
我試圖像下面,但它報告 「遺漏的類型錯誤:R N] .CALL不是一個函數」 ......
var selectFunction = "onFubarSelect";
$("#" + cbId).kendoComboBox({
Name: cbId,
select: selectFunction
var selectFunction = "onFubarSelect";
$("#" + cbId).kendoComboBox({
Name: cbId,
function (e) { window[selectFunction](e); }
凡selectFunction被調用,但 'this.dataItem' 給出了一個錯誤:
== onFubarSelect(e=> VV Object
_defaultPrevented: false
>> isDefaultPrevented:()
>> item: R.fn.init[1]
>>sender: init
>>__proto__: Object<=) STARTS!!
<= STARTS!! ==
* e.item.index()=>1<=
>> Uncaught TypeError: this.dataItem is not a function
at onFubarSelect
rest of stack trace
select: select: function (e) { eval(selectFunction + "(e)"); }