我發現sqlSave調用至少有兩個函數會導致R崩潰。第一個是RODBC ::: odbcTableExists,這是一個不可見的函數。下面是函數的代碼:
function (channel, tablename, abort = TRUE, forQuery = TRUE,
allowDot = attr(channel, "interpretDot"))
if (!odbcValidChannel(channel))
stop("first argument is not an open RODBC channel")
if (length(tablename) != 1)
stop(sQuote(tablename), " should be a name")
tablename <- as.character(tablename)
switch(attr(channel, "case"), nochange = {
}, toupper = tablename <- toupper(tablename), tolower = tablename <- tolower(tablename))
isExcel <- odbcGetInfo(channel)[1L] == "EXCEL"
hasDot <- grepl(".", tablename, fixed = TRUE)
if (allowDot && hasDot) {
parts <- strsplit(tablename, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
if (length(parts) > 2)
ans <- FALSE
else {
res <- if (attr(channel, "isMySQL"))
sqlTables(channel, catalog = parts[1], tableName = parts[2])
else sqlTables(channel, schema = parts[1], tableName = parts[2])
ans <- is.data.frame(res) && nrow(res) > 0
else if (!isExcel) {
res <- sqlTables(channel, tableName = tablename)
ans <- is.data.frame(res) && nrow(res) > 0
else {
res <- sqlTables(channel)
tables <- stables <- if (is.data.frame(res))
res[, 3]
else ""
if (isExcel) {
tables <- sub("^'(.*)'$", "\\1", tables)
tables <- unique(c(tables, sub("\\$$", "", tables)))
ans <- tablename %in% tables
if (abort && !ans)
stop(sQuote(tablename), ": table not found on channel")
enc <- attr(channel, "encoding")
if (nchar(enc))
tablename <- iconv(tablename, to = enc)
if (ans && isExcel) {
dbname <- if (tablename %in% stables)
else paste(tablename, "$", sep = "")
if (forQuery)
paste("[", dbname, "]", sep = "")
else dbname
else if (ans) {
if (forQuery && !hasDot)
quoteTabNames(channel, tablename)
else tablename
else character(0L)
res <- sqlTables(channel, tablename)
res <- sqlTables(channel, tableName = tablename)
RODBC ::: odbcTableExists不再導致問題。但是,從sqlSave()內調用sqlwrite時,R仍然崩潰。我調用sqlwrite調試,並發現RODBC ::: odbcColumns(另一個不可見的函數)會導致表名太長時崩潰。不幸的是,我不知道如何更改RODBC ::: odbcColumns以避免像我以前那樣的錯誤。
我,使用R 2.15.1和平臺是:x86_64的-PC-ming32/64(64位)。我還應該注意到,我想的是工作電腦上運行,但如果我在我的個人計算機上運行完全相同的代碼,R不會崩潰(無錯誤)。工作電腦運行Windows 7專業版,而我的家用電腦則運行R 2.14.1版本的Windows 7家庭高級版。