我正在尋找一種方法來讀取多行並創建一個新行,其條目是每行中條目的總和。我在.Find的上下文中執行此操作,其中我有一個大的33405 x 16電子表格,並且一旦VBA查找包含strSearch()數組中的任何字符串的所有行,我想創建一個新的行累加發現所有行中的每個單元格。創建新範圍,其條目是其他範圍的條目總和VBA
- 東西線查找strSearch()第一個元素的第一個實例,在底部
- 整個行
- 複製此行復制到新行從那裏,找到第二一審在STR(搜索)元素,複製整行
- 與自身strSearch()
- 的總和,這新行
- 重複,直到最後一個元素,從這個地方將最後一行時,重複上述過程第一個元素strSearch(),一直持續到範圍的底部。
Private Function Add_Industries(sheetName As String, strSearch() As Variant, yearsNaicsData As Integer, newIndustry As Long)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Integer, _
j As Integer
Dim rngSearch As range
Dim firstAddress As String
With Worksheets(sheetName).range("D:D")
For k = 0 To UBound(strSearch)
j = 0
Set rngSearch = .Find(strSearch(k), .Cells(1), xlValues, xlWhole)
If Not rngSearch Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = rngSearch.Address
If k = 0 Then 'Add the first listings
Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1, 1) = Cells(rngSearch.Cells.Row, 1)
Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 2) = Cells(rngSearch.Cells.Row, 2)
Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 3) = Cells(rngSearch.Cells.Row, 3)
Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 4) = newIndustry
Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 5) = Cells(rngSearch.Cells.Row, 5)
For i = 6 To 6 + yearsNaicsData - 1
Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, i) = Cells(rngSearch.Cells.Row, i)
Else 'Sum up the rest of the listings
For i = 6 To 6 + yearsNaicsData - 1
Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - (254 - j), i) = Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - (254 - j), i) + Cells(rngSearch.Cells.Row, i)
j = j + 1
End If
Set rngSearch = .FindNext(rngSearch) 'Find the next instance
Loop While Not rngSearch Is Nothing And rngSearch.Address <> firstAddress
End If
End With
在試圖讀取和處理整個行,我搞砸周圍的集合,但是這個代碼不工作非常好,我不知道要放什麼東西在else(K < > 0)語句來獲得我想要的結果。
Private Function Add_Industries2(sheetName As String, strSearch() As Variant, yearsNaicsData As Integer, newIndustry As Long)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Integer, _
j As Integer, _
k As Integer
Dim rngSearch As range
Dim cl As Collection
Dim buf_in() As Variant
Dim buf_out() As Variant
Dim val As Variant
Dim firstAddress As String
With Worksheets(sheetName).range("D:D")
k = 0
Set rngSearch = .Find(strSearch(k), .Cells(1), xlValues, xlWhole)
If Not rngSearch Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = rngSearch.Address
Set cl = New Collection
For k = 0 To UBound(strSearch)
Set buf_in = Nothing
buf_in = Rows(rngSearch.Row).Value
If k = 0 Then
For Each val In buf_in
cl.Add val
'Somehow add the new values from buff_in to the values in the collection?
End If
ReDim buf_out(1 To 1, 1 To cl.Count)
Rows(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1).Resize(1, cl.Count).Value = buf_out
Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 4) = newIndustry
If k + 1 <= UBound(strSearch) Then
Set rngSearch = .Find(strSearch(k + 1), .Cells(rngSearch.Cells.Row), xlValues, xlWhole)
Set rngSearch = .Find(strSearch(0), .Cells(rngSearch.Cells.Row), xlValues, xlWhole)
k = 0
End If
Loop While Not rngSearch Is Nothing And rngSearch.Address <> firstAddress
End If
End With
End Function
如果您發佈的數據或某事的樣本,以幫助澄清你的問題,這將是有益的。只要你能澄清你想要做什麼,我就能給你一個解決方案...... –
下面是一個數據示例:http://temp-share.com/show/Pf3m6Ft32實際上,它要大得多,但這應該做。基本上,我想在第一列中搜索字符串「50」和「60」,並生成一個新行,它是相應行的入口總和。然後,一旦找到「50」和「60」(strSearch()中的所有字符串),它將重新開始並找到下一個「50」實例,然後是「60」..等等。在這個簡化表中,有兩個實例50和60兩個。 – Ironbeard