我一直在嘗試使用httplib2 Http類向Twilio發出API請求,無論我如何設置請求,它都不會發送我的發佈數據。我知道這一點,因爲我發佈到本地URL並且帖子參數是空的。這裏是我的代碼:Python httplib2.Http不發送發佈參數
_TWILIO_URL = 'https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/%s/%s'
class Api(object):
A Python interface to the Twilio API
def __init__(self, AccountSid, AuthToken, From):
self.AccountSid = AccountSid
self.AuthToken = AuthToken
self.From = From
def _get_from(self, From):
"""Use the provided From number or the one defined on initialization"""
if From:
return From
return self.From
def call(self, To, Url, From=None):
"""Sends a request to Twilio having it call a number; the provided URL will indicate how to handle the call"""
url = _TWILIO_URL % (self.AccountSid, 'Calls')
data = dict(From=self._get_from(From), To=To, Url=Url)
return self.request(url, body=urlencode(data))
def request(self, url, method='POST', body=None, headers={'content-type':'text/plain'}):
"""Send the actual request"""
h = Http()
h.add_credentials(self.AccountSid, self.AuthToken)
resp, content = h.request(url, method=method, body=body, headers=headers)
print content
if resp['status'] == '200':
return loads(content)
raise TwilioError(resp['status'], content)
def sms(self, To, Body, From=None):
"""Sends a request to Twilio having it call a number; the provided URL will indicate how to handle the call"""
url = _TWILIO_URL % (self.AccountSid, 'SMS/Messages')
data = dict(From=self._get_from(From), To=To, Body=Body)
return self.request(url, body=urlencode(data))
因爲那是什麼內容類型IS。雖然它可能是POST請求中最明顯的內容類型(當從html表單使用時),但POST可以用於其他內容,如html,xml,pdf等......甚至html表單也不僅限於這種類型(見http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.4)。以這種方式來看待:你發佈一個「文件」,你必須聲明它是什麼類型。 – Steven 2011-03-22 17:04:15