嘿,大家我不明白這個特定情況下每個循環是如何工作的。我有一個500加侖的水箱,將從現在起24小時用於魚苗。水箱每小時泄漏率爲剩餘水的10%。如果坦克降到100加侖以下,魚就會全部死亡(即刻)。這是捕獲,每小時增加額外的加侖水,以保持最終值超過100加侖。然後在列表框中顯示每小時後剩餘的加侖數。Visual Studio 2012 For Each Loop在列表框中顯示數字
500 * .10 = 50
500 - 50 = 450
任何幫助表示讚賞,我學習這麼唐不要苛刻。 這裏是我的代碼:
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim Gallons As Double = 500
Dim LeakRate As Double = 0.1
Dim Remainder As Integer
Dim Time As Integer = tkbSlider.Value
For n As Integer = 1 To 24
Remainder = CInt(Gallons * LeakRate) - Time
Gallons = CInt(Gallons - Remainder)
If Gallons <= 99 Then
MessageBox.Show("Fish died at " & n & " hours when the remaining gallons were " & Gallons, "Dead and Stinking Fish", MessageBoxButtons.OK
Exit Sub
End If
**If Gallons <= 100 Then
MessageBox.Show("Hello You Have Passed", "Fish Frying Time!")
End If**
lstRemainingGallons.Items.Add("Hour # " & n & " - " & Gallons & "gallons")
End Sub
End Class
我可以看到,它是的WinForms,但什麼是你使用的語言C#或Vb.net –
vb.net我正在上傳我的代碼......但它沒有任何工作計算。 –
您是否需要爲每個循環或for循環使用a,每個循環的A將通常用於遍歷集合。 –