indeces <- ls() # my initial datasets
wfilters <- array(c("haar","la8","d4","c6")) # filter option in "modwt" function
wfiltname <- array(c("h","l","d","c")) # to rename the new objects
for (i in 1:nrow(as.array(indeces))) {
x <- get(as.matrix(indeces[i]))
x <- x[,2]
# Creates modwt objects equal to the number of filters
for (j in 1:nrow(as.array(wfilters))) {
x <- wavelets::modwt(x, filter = wfilters[j], n.levels = 4,
boundary = "periodic")
# A loop that creates a matrix with benford fun output per modwt n.levels option
for (l in 1:4) {
x <- as.matrix([email protected]$W[l]) # n.levels are represented as [email protected]$W1, [email protected]$W2,...
x <- benford.analysis::benford(x, number.of.digits = 1,
sign = "both", discrete = T,
round = 3) # accepts matrices
x[,l] <- x$bfd$data.dist # it always has 9 elements
assign(paste0("b", wfiltname[j], indeces[i]), x)
Error in array(x, c(length(x), 1L), if (!is.null(names(x))) list(names(x), :
'data' must be of a vector type, was 'NULL'
我沒有去過你所有的代碼,但你可以通過將'get(as.matrix(indeces [i]))'改成'as.matrix(get(indeces [i])) '。 – Cath
調試建議:在發生錯誤之前將'browse()'放在一個地方。順便說一句:最終'for(我in 1:length(indeces))'相當於'for(i in 1:nrow(as.array(indeces)))' – jogo
感謝您的評論。我會修復他們,我會編輯我的帖子。 –