2017-06-01 387 views



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    <title>Date to Percentage Progress</title> 

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ 

var targetDate = new Date("07/12/2017"); 
var beginDate = new Date("04/20/2017"); 
var totalTime = (targetDate - beginDate); 
$(function() { 

    //Create a custom event on the span to handle incoming data for animation. 
    $(".meter > span").bind("progress-event", function (e, data) { 
      .data("origWidth", data.Complete) 
      width: $(this).data("origWidth") + "%" 
     }, 1200); 
     $(this).prop("title",($(this).data("origWidth") + "%")); 
    //Initial animation on page load. 
    $(".meter > span").each(function() { 
     $(document).trigger("date-changed", { 
      Date: new Date() 

    //Apply the datepicker with an event handler for a selected date 
     onSelect: function (selectedDate, obj) { 
      $(document).trigger("date-changed", { 
       Date: selectedDate 
     } // end onSelect function 

//Custom event to handle a date being picked from the datepicker 
$(document).bind("date-changed", function (e, data) { 
    var dateProgress = new Date(data.Date) - beginDate; 
    var completionPercentage = (Math.round((dateProgress/totalTime) * 100)); 
    if(completionPercentage > 100) { //Make sure we don't go past 100 
     completionPercentage = 100; 
    } // end if 
    $(".meter > span").trigger("progress-event", { 
     Date: data.Date, 
     Complete: completionPercentage 



    <div class="meter"> <span></span> 



應該如何顯示此_progress percentage_? – Picard


這是施工公司的網站,這個進度條根據開始,結束和當前日期自動顯示建築進度。 –
