我在文件和文件夾名稱上使用感嘆號(!)掙扎。 我創建的批處理讀取.txt文件的內容,並將列出的文件從文件夾排序到子文件夾中。
等 和批量讀取source.txt
。批處理 - EnableDelayedExpansion,感嘆號和文件/文件夾名稱
我試圖避免啓用啓用DelayedExpansion,但添加文件夾瀏覽器後,我找不出比使用它更好的方法。我需要它啓用了辦法,我展示:listSources和:listFolders 我的問題,現在沒有那麼多的處理文件夾名稱(雖然這將是美妙的,允許的話),但允許(!)其名稱上具有(!)的文件的副本。
我想過逃跑^^!該字符或在setlocal和endlocal之間切換,但我仍然在學習如何正確使用它,因此不知道如何處理它。也許有更好的方法? (我不是程序員!)
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Copy sorted files into destination folder? [Y/N]
set "copyMode=y"
if /i "%copyMode%"=="y" (set appendTitle=[Copy Mode]) else set appendTitle=[Log Mode]
rem Set prefix for output file (used only if copyMode=n)
set prefixMiss=missing_in_
rem Set defaults to launch directory
set rootSource=%~dp0
set rootFolder=%~dp0
title Source file selection %appendTitle%
Show folder names in current directory
echo Available sources for sorting:
for %%a in (*.txt) do (
set /a count+=1
set mapArray[!count!]=%%a
echo !count!: %%a
set type=source
if not exist !mapArray[1]! cls & echo No source file (.txt) found on current directory^^! & goto SUB_folderBrowser
if !count! gtr 1 set /a browser=!count!+1 & echo.!browser!: Open Folder Browser? & goto whichSource
if !count! equ 1 echo. & set /p "oneSource=Use !mapArray[1]! as source? [Y/N]: "
if /i "%oneSource%"=="y" (set "sourceFile=1" & echo. & goto listFolders) else goto SUB_folderBrowser
rem Select source file (.txt)
echo Which one is the source file you want to use? Choose !browser! to change directory.
set /p "sourceFile=#: "
if %sourceFile% equ !browser! goto SUB_folderBrowser
if exist !mapArray[%sourceFile%]! echo. & goto listFolders
echo Incorrect input^^! & goto whichSource
title System folder selection %appendTitle%
rem Show folder names in current directory
cd %~dp0
set count=0
echo Available folders for sorting:
for /d %%a in (*) do (
set /a count+=1
set mapArray2[!count!]=%%a
echo !count!: %%a
set type=root
if not exist !mapArray2[1]! cls & echo No folders found on current directory^^! & goto SUB_folderBrowser
if !count! gtr 1 set /a browser=!count!+1 & echo.!browser!: Open Folder Browser? & goto whichSystem
if !count! equ 1 echo. & set /p "oneFolder=Use !mapArray2[1]! as target? [Y/N]: "
if /i "%oneFolder%"=="y" (set "whichSystem=1" & goto whichFolder) else goto SUB_folderBrowser
rem Select system folder
echo Which system do you want to sort? Choose !browser! to change directory.
set /p "whichSystem=#: "
if %whichSystem% equ !browser! goto SUB_folderBrowser
if exist !mapArray2[%whichSystem%]! echo. & goto createFolder
echo Incorrect input^^! & goto whichSystem
rem Create destination folder
if /i not "%copyMode%"=="y" goto sortFiles
set destFolder=!mapArray[%sourceFile%]:~0,-4!
if not exist ".\!mapArray2[%whichSystem%]!\%destFolder%" md ".\!mapArray2[%whichSystem%]!\%destFolder%"
rem Look inside the source file and copy the files to the destination folder
title Sorting files in progress... %appendTitle%
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type "%rootSource%\!mapArray[%sourceFile%]!"') do (
if exist ".\!mapArray2[%whichSystem%]!\%%a" (
if /i "%copyMode%"=="y" copy ".\!mapArray2[%whichSystem%]!\%%a" ".\!mapArray2[%whichSystem%]!\%destFolder%\%%~nxa" >nul
echo %%a
) else (
echo %%a missing & echo.
if /i not "%copyMode%"=="y" echo %%a >> "%~dp0%prefixMiss%!mapArray2[%whichSystem%]!.txt"
title Sorting files finished^^! %appendTitle%
popd & pause >nul & exit
if !count! lss 1 set /p "openBrowser=Open Folder Browser? [Y/N]: "
if !count! lss 1 (
if not "%openBrowser%"=="y" exit
set count=0 & echo Opening Folder Browser... & echo.
if "%type%"=="root" echo Select the root system folder, not the system itself^^!
rem PowerShell-Subroutine to open a Folder Browser
set "psCommand="(new-object -COM 'Shell.Application')^
.BrowseForFolder(0,'Please choose a %type% folder.',0,0).self.path""
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`powershell %psCommand%`) do set "newRoot=%%i"
if "%type%"=="source" set rootSource=%newRoot%
if "%type%"=="root" set rootFolder=%newRoot%
rem Change working directory
if "%type%"=="source" cls & pushd %rootSource% & goto listSources
if "%type%"=="root" cls & pushd %rootFolder% & echo Selected source file: !mapArray[%sourceFile%]! & echo. & goto listFolders
您只需要'For'循環中的EnableDelayedExpansion。在'For'循環中,你可以使用'%% A'來訪問它,所以你根本不需要它。你可以調用一個函數'call:label %% A',並在那個函數中變成'%1'。用'Goto:EOF'結束一個函數。還要結束主程序。 – 2016-12-29 19:51:03
非常感謝您的及時答覆。因爲我實際上是一個通過研究完成寫作的完整小白,所以我需要時間對您的答案(以及任何其他人)做適當的事情,嘗試實施它,看看我是否能夠以某種方式實現它。現在,我不知道你在暗示什麼,因爲我的問題發生在循環中。但是爲了指引我走向正確的方向,非常感謝! – paradadf
@Noodles他的代碼不包含任何呼叫,因此插入'Goto:Eof'將無濟於事。 @paraduff只使用goto來控制程序流程,很快就會導致[Spaghetti代碼](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghetti_code)沒有人會/可以遵循。 – LotPings