//This program finds the GCD of two numbers using a recursive function call via the
//Euclidean algorithm
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int GCD (int A, int B);
int main()
int A = 45, B = 55;
cout << "The GCD is " << GCD(A,B) << endl;
return 0;
int GCD (int A, int B)
A = abs(A);
B = abs(B);
if (A > B)
A = A - B;
return GCD (A, B); //Recursive function call - works fine
//GCD (A, B); -- This function call seems to return an incorrect value
else if (A < B)
B = B - A;
return GCD (A, B);//Recursive function call
//GCD (A, B); -- This function call seems to return an incorrect value
else if (A = B)
return A;
請問您能正確格式化您的代碼嗎?只需將其標記並按下Ctrl + K即可。 – mmmmmmmm 2009-10-04 13:52:16
@Nick D:謝謝:-) – mmmmmmmm 2009-10-04 14:03:36