// ==UserScript== // @name SelfUpdatingScript // @version 1.0.0 // @namespace Benjol (http://stackoverflow.com/users/11410/benjol) // @description Template script for a self-updating script // @credits Kudos to http://stackoverflow.com/users/115866/balpha // @include https://gist.github.com/* // ==/UserScript== function with_jquery(f) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.textContent = "(" + f.toString() + ")(jQuery)"; document.body.appendChild(script); }; with_jquery(function ($) { $(function() { //how does this work? // 1. The installed script loads first, and sets the local VERSION variable with the currently installed version number // 2. window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL] is not defined, so this is skipped // 3. When updateCheck() is called, it defines window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL], which retains the installed version number in VERSION (closure) // 4. updateCheck() then loads the external version of the script into the page header // 5. when the external version of the script loads, it defines its own local VERSION with the external (potentially new) version number // 6. window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL] is now defined, so it is invoked, and the external version number is passed in // 7. if the external version number (ver) is greater than the installed version (VERSION), the notification is invoked var VERSION = 1.0; // than 1.13; if you mean 1.02, say so!) var URL = "https://gist.github.com/raw/874058/selfupdatingscript.user.js"; // VERSION) notifier(ver, VERSION, URL); } // make that a script tag. SO will not allow me to have a greater sign infront. /*$(' script />').attr("src", URL).appendTo("head");*/ } // INSERT YOUR CUSTOM SCRIPT AFTER THIS COMMENT //Customize this code in the following ways // - modify the callback to show your own custom notification // - You could decide to check for updates less frequently that on every page load updateCheck(function (newver, oldver, url) { alert("A new version (" + newver + ", your current version is " + oldver + ") of the SelfUpdatingScript is available for download here: " + url); }); }); });
什麼是$(「」)。attr(「src」,URL).appendTo(「head」);'幹嘛? – qwertymk 2011-04-18 04:31:58
@qwertymk這是一個很好的捕獲。 SO不允許我製作$("")....
2011-04-18 16:27:10
我剛剛發現了在Chrome上運行的greasefire更新腳本。不知道它會有幫助。 http://code.google.com/p/greasefire/source/browse/chrome/updater.js?r=55
如果我錯了,請糾正我,但這似乎是擴展更新程序的一部分。我正在尋找在用戶腳本中進行更新。 – LoveGandhi 2011-04-10 02:33:22
這是一回事。在chrome中使用時,chrome擴展名和greasemonkey腳本之間沒有區別。 GM腳本被轉換爲擴展名,然後被安裝。然後它們出現在您的擴展列表中。 – 2011-04-10 21:40:43
https://gist.github.com/874058 – 2011-04-10 02:11:03
@Yi蔣我剛纔看到您的評論......這正是我一直在尋找。 – LoveGandhi 2011-04-11 18:08:36
@Yi Jiang如果您將此作爲答案發布,我很樂意將此標記爲答案。 – LoveGandhi 2011-04-11 18:20:00