2014-10-28 131 views



var btn = ""; 
    function validate(myform) { 
     if (btn == "submit") { 
      //Validate Form only on 'submit' button (not for 'clear' button) 
      var num = 0; 
      var message = ""; 
      if(myform.firstname.value == "") { 
       message += "- First Name must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 
      if(myform.lastname.value == "") { 
       message += "- Last Name must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 
      if(myform.dateofbirth.value == "") { 
       message += "- Date of Birth must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 

      var g = ""; 
      //Loop thru each radio button, verify if "checked" 
      for (var i=0; i<myform.gender.length; i++) { 
       if (myform.gender[i].checked) { 
        //Changes value of "g" if a value is selected 
        g = myform.gender[i].value; 
      //If no radio button selected, "g" will still = "" 
      if (g == "") { 
       message += "- Gender must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 

      if(myform.gpa.value == "") { 
       message += "- GPA must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 

      if(myform.education.value == "") { 
       message += "- Education must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 
      if(myform.job.value == "") { 
       message += "- Occupation must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 

      var g = ""; 
      //Loop thru each radio button, verify if "checked" 
      for (var i=0; i<myform.married.length; i++) { 
       if (myform.married[i].checked) { 
        //Changes value of "g" if a value is selected 
        g = myform.married[i].value; 
      //If no radio button selected, "g" will still = "" 
      if (g == "") { 
       message += "- Married must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 

      //if(myform.spouse.value == "") { 
       //message += "- Spouse must be completed \n"; 
       //num = 1; 

      var g = ""; 
      //Loop thru each radio button, verify if "checked" 
      for (var i=0; i<myform.children.length; i++) { 
       if (myform.children[i].checked) { 
        //Changes value of "g" if a value is selected 
        g = myform.children[i].value; 
      //If no radio button selected, "g" will still = "" 
      if (g == "") { 
       message += "- Children must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 

      //Only require if previous field Children marked "Yes" 
      if(myform.numchild.value == "0" && g == "Yes") { 
       message += "- Number of Children must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 

      if(myform.childSupport.value == "") { 
       message += "- Child Support must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 

      if(myform.creditScore.value == "") { 
       message += "- Credit Score must be completed \n"; 
       num = 1; 

      if (num == 1) { 
       alert ("Please complete or correct the following required fields: \n\n"+message); 

       return false; 
      } else { 

       return true; 

      } //end if 
     } //end if submit button 

     if (btn == "delete") { 
      //Confirm if want to delete 
      var result = confirm("Are you sure you want to permanently delete this survey?"); 
      return result; 
     } //end if delete button 

    } //end func 

    //=============== TO DISABLE CCARDS AND NUMBER OF CHILDREN DROPBOXES ================== 
    function handleSelect(myRadio){ 
     if(myRadio.value == "No"){ 
      document.getElementById("cc_use").selectedIndex = 0; //reset to initial default value 
      document.getElementById("cc_use").disabled = true;  
     } else {   
      document.getElementById("cc_use").disabled = false; 
     } //end if 
    } //end func 

    function handleSelect1(myRadio1){ 
     if(myRadio1.value == "No"){ 
      document.getElementById("numchild").selectedIndex = 0; //reset to initial default value 
      document.getElementById("numchild").disabled = true;   
     } else {   
      document.getElementById("numchild").disabled = false; 
     } //end if 
    } //end func 

    function configureDropDownList(industry, occupation) { //params: id's of sending dropdown & dropdown to change 
     //Categories: Create a String value of all the list items in the Java ArrayList of Categories 
     //It translates into a String with opening and closing brackets: [], need to delete brackets from String 
     var categoryListString = "<%= lstCategories %>"; 
     categoryListString = categoryListString.replace("[",""); 
     categoryListString = categoryListString.replace("]","");  
     //Split the Category String into a new Javascript array of Categories 
     var categoryArray = new Array(); 
     categoryArray = categoryListString.split(", "); //Make sure it's comma + space 

     //Occupations: Create a String value of all the nested list items in the Java ArrayList of ArrayLists: all occup names for each category 
     //It translates into a String with opening and closing DOUBLE brackets: [[]], need to delete brackets from String 
     var occupByCatsString = "<%= loccp %>"; 
     occupByCatsString = occupByCatsString.replace("[[",""); 
     occupByCatsString = occupByCatsString.replace("]]",""); 
     //Split the String into a new Javascript array 
     var occupationsArray = new Array(); 
     occupationsArray = occupByCatsString.split("], ["); 
     //Loop thru array and break into further individual nested arrays for occup names in each category 
     for (var i = 0; i < occupationsArray.length; i++) { 
      occupationsArray[i] = occupationsArray[i].split(", "); //Make sure it's comma + space 
      //alert("new occup name array index 0: "+occupationsArray[0]+", index 1: "+occupationsArray[1]); 
      //alert("Individ occup names in index 0, name 0: "+occupationsArray[0][0]+", name 1: "+occupationsArray[0][1]); 

     //Categories array (categoryArray) & Nested Occup Names Array by Category (occupationsArray) 
     //are parallel arrays in order to match Category names with appropriate group of Occup Names 

     //Loop thru list of all Categories to find selected one 
     //and create dropdown list of matching Occup Names for that Category 
     for (var i = 0; i < categoryArray.length; i++) 
      if (industry.value == categoryArray[i]) { 
      //Call method to create Occupation dropdown list values 
      //Send array of that Category's list of Occupation Names as parameter, and 'occupation' id value of select 
      createOccupationItems(occupationsArray[i], occupation); 
     } //end for 
    } //end function 

    function createOccupationItems(occupArr, occupation) { 
     //Parameters in: array of that Category's list of Occupation Names, and 'occupation' id value of select 
     document.getElementById(occupation).options.length = 0; 
     for (var i = 0; i < occupArr.length; i++) { 
      createOption(document.getElementById(occupation), occupArr[i], occupArr[i]); 
    } //end function 

    function createOption(ddl, text, value) { 
     var opt = document.createElement('option'); 
     opt.value = value; 
     opt.text = text; 
    } //end function 



<div class="sameLine"> 
      <label for="firstname">First Name:</label> 
      <input type="text" name="firstname" value="<%=surv.getFname()%>"> 
     <div class="sameLine"> 
      <label for="lastname">Last Name:</label> 
      <input type="text" name="lastname" value="<%=surv.getLname()%>"> 




if(myform.firstname.value.search(/[^a-zA-Z]+/) != -1) { 
    alert("Only characters"); 

爲什麼該代碼甚至不工作?它完全通過這個代碼? – helpmeimnoob 2014-10-29 01:35:18


修復它並更新代碼 – 2014-10-29 08:48:13


非常感謝c; – helpmeimnoob 2014-10-29 17:23:53