2017-01-08 170 views


static void CreateCharacter() 
     //Declare my variables 
     string charName; 
     int charBaseAttack; 
     int charHealth; 
     int charAge; 
     int charSaiyanLevel; 

     //Ask for user input 
     Console.Write("Please enter the name of your character"); 
     charName = Console.ReadLine(); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, now enter a Base Attack level please: "); 
     charBaseAttack = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, now enter a Health level please: "); 
     charHealth = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, now how old is your character: "); 
     charAge = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, his or her Super Saiyan level please: "); 
     charSaiyanLevel = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     //Instantiate my person 
     Character userCharacter = new Character(charName, charBaseAttack, charHealth, charAge, charSaiyanLevel); 


private string mName; 
    private int mBaseAttack; 
    private int mHealth; 
    private int mAge; 
    private int mSaiyanLevel; 

    public Character(string _mName, int _mBaseAttack, int _mHealth, int _mAge, int _mSaiyanLevel) 
     //Initializing my member varaibles 
     mName = _mName; 
     mBaseAttack = _mBaseAttack; 
     mHealth = _mHealth; 
     mAge = _mAge; 
     mSaiyanLevel = _mSaiyanLevel; 

    public Character() 
     Character userCharacter = new Character(); 

    public string getName() 
     return mName; 

    public int getBaseAttack() 
     return mBaseAttack; 

    public int getHealth() 
     return mHealth; 

    public int getAge() 
     return mAge; 


    public int getSaiyanLevel() 
     return mSaiyanLevel; 


    public void setName(string _mName) 
     mName = _mName; 


    public void setBaseAttack(int _mBaseAttack) 
     mBaseAttack = _mBaseAttack; 


    public void setHealth(int _mHealth) 

     mHealth = _mHealth; 


    public void setAge(int _mAge) 

     mAge = _mAge; 


    public void setSaiyanLevel(int _SaiyanLevel) 

     mSaiyanLevel = _SaiyanLevel; 

當您運行CreateCharacter()會發生什麼?它會提示用戶輸入他/她的內容嗎? – StaticBeagle


是的先生,這是正確的,它會提示用戶輸入字符屬性。 – JGreen5278


你是什麼意思,「我如何去捕獲我的用戶條目並將這些值傳遞給我的構造函數」? CreateCharacter方法似乎正確地創建了Character。 – StaticBeagle




public class Character 
    public string Name { get; set; } 
    public int BaseAttack { get; set; } 
    public int Health { get; set; } 
    public int Age { get; set; } 
    public int SaiyanLevel { get; set; } 

    public Character(string _mName, int _mBaseAttack, int _mHealth, int _mAge, int _mSaiyanLevel) 
     //Initializing my member varaibles 
     Name = _mName; 
     BaseAttack = _mBaseAttack; 
     Health = _mHealth; 
     Age = _mAge; 
     SaiyanLevel = _mSaiyanLevel; 

    // The default constructor is just initializing a local variable userCharacter 
    // to a new Character() that will be destroyed once it goes out of scope. 
    // If you need some default initialization 
    // you could do: 
    public Character() : this(string.Empty, -1, -1, -1, -1) { } 
    // I've initialized all int fields to -1 since it's a value 
    // that none of these fields (hopefully) should ever have 
    // Original default constructor 
    //public Character() 
    // Character userCharacter = new Character(); 
    // Once the code reaches the } below, userCharacter will 
    // be destroyed 

    // Overrode the ToString method so that you can print 
    // the characters to the console 
    public override string ToString() 
     return string.Concat("Character Name: ", Name, " Base Attack: ", BaseAttack, " Health: ", Health, " Age: ", Age, " Saiyan Level: ", SaiyanLevel); 


class Program 
    // If you want to use CreateCharacter() to return a newly created character, 
    // You could have CreateCharacter() return a Character 
    public static Character CreateCharacter() 
     //Declare my variables 
     string charName; 
     int charBaseAttack; 
     int charHealth; 
     int charAge; 
     int charSaiyanLevel; 

     //Ask for user input 
     Console.Write("Please enter the name of your character: "); 
     charName = Console.ReadLine(); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, now enter a Base Attack level please: "); 
     charBaseAttack = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, now enter a Health level please: "); 
     charHealth = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, now how old is your character: "); 
     charAge = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, his or her Super Saiyan level please: "); 
     charSaiyanLevel = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     //Instantiate my person 
     return new Character(charName, charBaseAttack, charHealth, charAge, charSaiyanLevel); 

    public static void Main(string[] Args) 
     // Two ways to instantiate a Character 
     // 1. Change the return type of CreateCharacter() to return a Character object instead of void 
     // 2. Copy & past the contents of CreateCharacter() into main 
     //Declare my variables 
     string charName; 
     int charBaseAttack; 
     int charHealth; 
     int charAge; 
     int charSaiyanLevel; 

     //Ask for user input 
     Console.Write("Please enter the name of your character: "); 
     charName = Console.ReadLine(); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, now enter a Base Attack level please: "); 
     charBaseAttack = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, now enter a Health level please: "); 
     charHealth = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, now how old is your character: "); 
     charAge = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     Console.Write("Thanks for that, his or her Super Saiyan level please: "); 
     charSaiyanLevel = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

     //Instantiate my person 
     Character userCharacter1 = new Character(charName, charBaseAttack, charHealth, charAge, charSaiyanLevel); 
     Character userCharacter2 = CreateCharacter(); 

     // Print both characters to the console 
     System.Console.WriteLine("First character stats:"); 
     System.Console.WriteLine("Second character stats:"); 