請參閱:http://codepaste.net/djw3cw的代碼異步/等待着一個WinForms進度 - 的WinForms版本
如果這是真的,異步/等待異步編程很快就會像LINQ的,我認爲這個問題是一個不平凡的延伸Async/Await with a WinForms ProgressBar
Please see: http://codepaste.net/djw3cw for the code
What is done: a textbox has any text in it converted to an int, then when
"mybutton1" is clicked, work is done based on the int, for int ms (int =
During this time, a progressbar "myProgressBar" is shown for
every tenth-percent step
When work is complete, the label/textblock controls are updated
But the below does not work right: the form simply freezes until the work is
complete. How to fix it?
How to do this using Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) or Async/Await,
rather than a Dispatcher?
private void mybutton1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
myLabel.Content = myTextBox.Text;
string myString = myTextBox.Text;
bool result = Int32.TryParse(myString, out myInteger);
if (result == true)
myTextblock.Text = "Success, thread will be delayed by: " + myInteger.ToString() + " ms";
int CounterInteger = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < myInteger; j++) // set # itt
Thread.Sleep(1); //do some work here
// myClassDoWork1.Delay_DoWork(myInteger); //optional way to do work in another class...
if (j % (myInteger/10) == 0) //display progress bar in 10% increments
CounterInteger = CounterInteger + 10;
myProgressBar.Value = (double)CounterInteger; // won't work here in a parallel manner...must use Dispatcher.BeginInvoke Action
//how to make this work using Async/Await? see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17972268/async-await-with-a-winforms-progressbar
/// // above does not work properly: the form simply freezes until the work is complete. How to fix it?
myLabel.Content = "done, delayed work done successfully: in " + myInteger.ToString() + " milliseconds";
myTextblock.Text = "done, delayed work done successfully: in " + myInteger.ToString() + " milliseconds";
myTextblock.Text = "Error, integer not entered, try again." + myTextBox.Text;
myLabel.Content = "Error, integer not entered, try again.";
請編輯代碼到您的問題 - 理想編輯儘可能短,同時仍然是完整的,並展示問題。 –
嗨,喬恩 - 我實際上正在閱讀你關於「C#深度」這個主題的書。你看CodePaste上的代碼行嗎?我發現在這裏切割和粘貼代碼對我來說並不是很好,對不起。 – PaulDecember
是的,我可以在CodePaste上看到代碼 - 但這不是一個提問的好方法。值得熟悉堆棧溢出降價編輯器(和預覽窗口) - 清晰地格式化您的問題(而不僅僅是鏈接到異地代碼)對於創建一個好問題非常重要。 –