Dim nLiens As Byte, nCreditors As Byte
Dim SecurityV As Currency, ASecurityV As Currency
Const adjuster = 0.9
Public Sub VariableDeclaration()
nLiens = InputBox("Enter number of liens in security")
nCreditors = InputBox("Enter number of creditors")
SecurityV = InputBox("Enter security full value")
ASecurityV = adjuster * SecurityV
Call ODebt
End Sub
Sub ODebt()
Dim oDebt() As Variant
ReDim oDebt(1 To nCreditors + 1, 1 To nLiens + 1)
Dim rg As Range
Set rg = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(nCreditors + 1, nLiens + 1))
oDebt = rg.Value
MsgBox (oDebt)
'>>> ERROR: type mismatch
Call SAllocation
End Sub
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