我有一個靜態方法的GroovyMock。當我的模擬方法被調用時,測試失敗,因爲沒有使用正確的參數,即使我接受模擬的所有參數。這是爲什麼呢?爲什麼Grails Spock GroovyMock測試失敗(參數被忽略)?
// FileDownloadingService.groovy
class FileDownloadingService {
// I am going to mock this static method
static void download(URL urlLocation, String localDir, String localName) {
// ServiceUnderTestService.groovy
class ServiceUnderTestService {
def downloadData(URL url) {
FileDownloadingService.download(url, "temp", "ReferenceData.gz")
// within ServiceUnderTestServiceSpec
void "file is downloaded"() {
given: "A url for the file to download"
def urlLocation = "http://example.com/ReferenceData.gz"
def url = new URL(urlLocation)
def fileDownloadMock = GroovyMock(FileDownloadingService, global: true)
when: "we call downloadData"
then: "we actually try to download it"
1 * fileDownloadMock.download(_, _, _)
| Too few invocations for:
1 * fileDownloadMock.download(_, _, _) (0 invocations)
Unmatched invocations (ordered by similarity):
1 * fileDownloadMock.download(http://example.com/ReferenceData.gz, 'temp', 'ReferenceData.gz')
at org.spockframework.mock.runtime.InteractionScope.verifyInteractions(InteractionScope.java:78)
at org.spockframework.mock.runtime.MockController.leaveScope(MockController.java:76)
完美,謝謝。 – John