2012-12-13 72 views

嘗試將菜單項添加到Joomla 3.0的後端菜單中,該菜單由於訪問後端菜單部分的重複別名失敗而失敗,不再有效。 菜單項從前端消失。 試圖致命錯誤Joomla 3.0菜單致命錯誤

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 36324 bytes) in \libraries\joomla\table\nested.php on line 1251 


這是上面的錯誤強調法:用* *突出的行

* Method to recursively rebuild the whole nested set tree. 
* @param integer $parentId The root of the tree to rebuild. 
* @param integer $leftId The left id to start with in building the tree. 
* @param integer $level  The level to assign to the current nodes. 
* @param string $path  The path to the current nodes. 
* @return integer 1 + value of root rgt on success, false on failure 
* @link http://docs.joomla.org/JTableNested/rebuild 
* @since 11.1 
* @throws RuntimeException on database error. 
public function rebuild($parentId = null, $leftId = 0, $level = 0, $path = '') 
    // If no parent is provided, try to find it. 
    if ($parentId === null) 
     // Get the root item. 
     $parentId = $this->getRootId(); 
     if ($parentId === false) 
      return false; 

    // Build the structure of the recursive query. 
    if (!isset($this->_cache['rebuild.sql'])) 
     $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true); 
     $query->select($this->_tbl_key . ', alias') 
      ->where('parent_id = %d'); 

     // If the table has an ordering field, use that for ordering. 
     if (property_exists($this, 'ordering')) 
      $query->order('parent_id, ordering, lft'); 
      $query->order('parent_id, lft'); 
     $this->_cache['rebuild.sql'] = (string) $query; 

    // Make a shortcut to database object. 

    // Assemble the query to find all children of this node. 
    $this->_db->setQuery(sprintf($this->_cache['rebuild.sql'], (int) $parentId)); 

    $children = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); 

    // The right value of this node is the left value + 1 
    $rightId = $leftId + 1; 

    // Execute this function recursively over all children 
    foreach ($children as $node) 
     * $rightId is the current right value, which is incremented on recursion return. 
     * Increment the level for the children. 
     * Add this item's alias to the path (but avoid a leading /) 
     $rightId = $this->rebuild($node->{$this->_tbl_key}, $rightId, $level + 1, $path . (empty($path) ? '' : '/') . $node->alias); 

     // If there is an update failure, return false to break out of the recursion. 
     if ($rightId === false) 
      return false; 

    // We've got the left value, and now that we've processed 
    // the children of this node we also know the right value. 
    $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true); 
     ->set('lft = ' . (int) $leftId) 
     ->set('rgt = ' . (int) $rightId) 
     ->set('level = ' . (int) $level) 
     ->set('path = ' . $this->_db->quote($path)) 
     ->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . (int) $parentId); 

    // Return the right value of this node + 1. 
    return $rightId + 1; 




  • 這是IIS在本地主機上用於開發目的
  • 組內存限制爲256M和512米,但沒有改變。
  • 在PHP.ini中更改了其他幾個時間/大小限制設置,但仍然沒有快樂
  • 重新啓動服務器。
  • 沒有餅乾
  • 重建的菜單和模塊 - 修復前端顯示 - 後端仍然損壞。


max_execution_time: 3000 3000 
max_file_uploads: 200 200 
max_input_nesting_level 64 64 
max_input_time 600 600 
max_input_vars 1000 1000 
memory_limit -1 512M 


'0', 'menutype', 'title', 'alias', '', '', '', 'separator', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0', '1', '', '0', '{\"menu_image\":\"\",\"menu_text\":1}', '223', '224', '0', '*', '0' 




你檢查的Joomla配置,看看有什麼內存限制設置它是什麼? – jprofitt


關於joomla關於內存限制的配置沒有任何意見,請將php.ini重寫爲-1,如上所述。 – ChelseaStats



ID顯然是主鍵從menu_type和菜單表丟失,這是造成超時 - 致命錯誤


我有完全相同的錯誤,但主鍵確實存在。 –


可能是一個愚蠢的評論,但字段/值在那裏,但他們設置爲您的數據庫中的主鍵字段? – ChelseaStats


是的,它們被標記爲數據庫中的主鍵。 –