我剛啓動了新版本的python,並意識到很多變化。無論如何,日食會在行號「Expected ::」旁邊出現一個紅色的「X」標記。有人能解釋一下這意味着什麼,以及我如何擺脫它?預期:: - 在PyDev中使用Eclipse
print "Please insert a valid operator that you want to calculate with."
print "Valid operators are +, -, : and *"
operator = str(raw_input("What's your operator? "))
numb1 = int(raw_input("Please insert the first number:"))
numb2 = int(raw_input("Please insert the second number:"))
if operator == "+":
print numb1 + numb2
elif operator == "*":
print numb1 + numb2
elif operator == "-":
print numb1 - numb2
elif operator == "/":
print numb1/numb2
但是我的實際問題呢,預期::? – ApeBapsen
我誤解了你的問題。我不使用日食,所以我不知道該消息應該說或意味着什麼。我爲你添加了eclipse標籤,希望有人看到這個並能回答你。 –