* The base class for all PlanItems, which include ActionItems down to
* ActionTasks, and Objectives down to Tasks.
* @author Toni-Tran
public class PlanItem implements Comparable<PlanItem> {
protected ObservableList<PlanItem> childPlanItems = FXCollections
protected TreeItem<PlanItem> treeItem = new TreeItem<>(this);
public PlanItem() {
CustomBinding.bindLists(treeItem.getChildren(), childPlanItems, PlanItem::getTreeItem);
我正在使用我的自定義綁定,它將兩個不同對象的列表綁定在一起。 (或者,我可以使用EasyBind)。
* Binds a source list's elements to a destination list. Any changes made in
* the source list will reflect in the destination list.
* @param <SRC> The source list's object type.
* @param <DEST> The destination list's object type.
* @param dest The destination list that will be bound to the src list.
* @param src The source list to watch for changes, and propagate up to the
* destination list.
* @param transformer A function that will transform a source list data
* type, A, into a destination list data type, B.
public static <SRC extends Object, DEST extends Object> void bindLists(
ObservableList<DEST> dest, ObservableList<SRC> src, Function<SRC, DEST> transformer) {
/*Add the initial data into the destination list.*/
for (SRC a : src) {
/*Watch for future data to add to the destination list. Also watch for removal
of data form the source list to remove its respective item in the destination
src.addListener((ListChangeListener.Change<? extends SRC> c) -> {
while (c.next()) {
/*Watch for removed data.*/
if (c.wasRemoved()) {
for (SRC a : c.getRemoved()) {
int from = c.getFrom();
/*Watch for added data.*/
if (c.wasAdded()) {
for (SRC a : c.getAddedSubList()) {
int indexAdded = src.indexOf(a);
dest.add(indexAdded, transformer.apply(a));
我不確定這是否正確。子項目列表通常是EXTEND PlanItem的對象列表,而不僅僅是PlanItem本身。那該不該是ObservableList<? extends PlanItem>
爲什麼我必須給函數參數一個下限?爲什麼不擴展? – 2014-09-04 19:20:01
你實際上想要傳入的函數是一個'Function(因爲你在'PlanItem'類中定義了它,並且使用'this - > new TreeItem <>(...)'。 )如果這是作用於一個元素,比如說'ObservableList ',那麼函數的參數類型('PlanItem')就是你給它的實際值的超類('Goal')...元素列表必須是*可分配給*函數的類型。函數的返回類型必須*分配給目標列表的類型,所以你在那裏使用'extends'。 –
2014-09-04 19:54:12
'功能<?超級SRC,?擴展DEST>'。我理解該函數的第二個參數。我們試圖將'DEST'(和'DEST'的子類)對象插入'List'中。但是我仍然對第一個參數感到困惑。來源清單可以是「清單」或「清單」或其他。現在的'SRC'的這兩個超類是如何?我很抱歉,如果我看起來很愚蠢,我只是在泛型界限上很糟糕。 :( –
2014-09-05 00:21:37