2017-04-19 34 views

由於沒有名稱空間,我們將如何解析下面的響應中的第二個國家/地區節點。它不正確檢測到的節點,並通過使用// *:國家,我正在其中在響應肥皂UI |如何解析Soap UI中沒有soap信封的XML(響應)節點

<Response xmlns="https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes"> 
      <textSnippet>Beginning with an &amp;quot;Ant on an Apple&amp;quot;, illustrations, simple text, and a pesky fly who will not stay on his page introduce the letters of the alphabet.</textSnippet> 
       <e>Bruno Munari</e> 
       <e>Bruno Munari</e> 
       <e>Juvenile Nonfiction</e> 
      <textSnippet>An intense examination of the effects of technology on literacy and language.</textSnippet> 
       <e>Ivan Illich</e> 
       <e>Barry Sanders</e> 
       <e>Information storage and retrieval systems</e> 
      <description>An intense examination of the effects of technology on literacy and language. The authors argue that there is a phenomenon transforming modern culture--language is becoming part of a technology of "information systems" with an emphasis on control, rather than human exchange. As a result, all language is becoming debased.</description> 
      <publisher>Marion Boyars Publishers</publisher> 
      <subtitle>The Alphabetization of the Popular Mind</subtitle> 
      <textSnippet>Includes 26 scenes which depict a Letterland character surrounded by objects beginning with the target sound. This children&amp;#39;s alphabet book helps children in promoting phonemic awareness and vocabulary development.</textSnippet> 
       <e>Lyn Wendon</e> 
      <description>Includes 26 scenes which depict a Letterland character surrounded by objects beginning with the target sound. This children's alphabet book helps children in promoting phonemic awareness and vocabulary development.</description> 


是否有可能爲後期完全反應?順便說一句,你有沒有任何已知的參考價值來獲得鏈接的國家。因爲它似乎有多個'item'元素。 – Rao


順便說一句,「non soapui response」是什麼意思? – Rao


你爲什麼在你的問題中使用blockquote? – MetaColon





//Pass xml as string to parseText 
def response = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml) 

//Below would display all country names from multiple `e` tags 
log.info response.items.e.saleInfo.country 

//Below would display country name from first `e` tag, increase the index to get the appropriate one in place of 0 
log.info response.items.e[0].saleInfo.country 

//Below to show the conditional country 
//Get the country name if id is 8bkxV-WcLFoC 
log.info response.items.e.'*'.find{ it.name() == 'id' && it == '8bkxV-WcLFoC' }.parent().saleInfo.country 




它像一個魅力,感謝您的幫助。 非常感謝 – vdrulerz


@vdrulerz,很高興知道它的幫助。 – Rao