2016-02-08 41 views



on makeCalendarEvent from {eventTitle, eventStart, eventDuration, eventDescription, eventURL, alarmTime, setDefaultAlarm} 
--duration (in hours, 0= instantaneous, -1= all day) 
--alarmTime (date or false) 
--defaultAlarm 9AM (coded here for the moment, may move the parameter up to the var block at some point) 

if eventDuration = -1 then 
    set isAllDay to true 
    set eventDuration to 0 
    set isAllDay to false 
end if 

tell application "Calendar" 
    tell calendar "test" 
     set newEvent to make new event at end with properties {summary:eventTitle, start date:eventStart, end date:(eventStart + (eventDuration * hours)), allday event:isAllDay, description:eventDescription, url:eventURL} 
     if alarmTime is not false then 
      tell newEvent 
       set alarm1 to make new sound alarm at end of sound alarms with properties {trigger date:alarmTime} 
      end tell 
     end if 

     if setDefaultAlarm is true then 
      tell newEvent 
       set alarm2 to make new sound alarm at end of sound alarms with properties {trigger date:(date "09:00 AM" of eventStart)} 
      end tell 
     end if 

    end tell 

end tell 

end makeCalendarEvent 

makeCalendarEvent from {"New Moon", date ("Monday, February 8, 2016 at 09:39:00"), 0, "", "", date ("Monday, February 8, 2016 at 09:39:00"), true} 






makeCalendarEvent from {"New Moon", date ("09/02/2016 08:05:00"), 0, "", "", date ("09/02/2016 08:05:00"), true} 

on makeCalendarEvent from {eventTitle, eventStart, eventDuration, eventDescription, eventURL, alarmTime, setDefaultAlarm} 
--duration (in hours, 0= instantaneous, -1= all day) 
--alarmTime (date or false) 
--defaultAlarm 9AM (coded here for the moment, may move the parameter up to the var block at some point) 
set isAllDay to (eventDuration = -1) 
if eventDuration = -1 then set eventDuration to 0 

tell application "Calendar" 
    tell calendar "test" 
     set newEvent to make new event at end with properties {summary:eventTitle, start date:eventStart, end date:(eventStart + (eventDuration * hours)), allday event:isAllDay, description:eventDescription, url:eventURL} 
     tell newEvent 
      if alarmTime is not false then set alarm1 to make new sound alarm at end of sound alarms with properties {trigger date:alarmTime} 
      if setDefaultAlarm is true then set alarm2 to make new sound alarm at end of sound alarms with properties {trigger date:(date "08:00 AM" of eventStart)} 
     end tell 
    end tell 
end tell  
end makeCalendarEvent 

在這一點上我覺得** **的問題實際上是網絡。如果我創建和寫入本地日曆一切正常,如果我寫入網絡(在我的情況下,iCloud)日曆,我仍然會得到隨機報警。知道這一點,並且檢查我的代碼對我來說已經足夠讓我完成一個不痛苦的解決方法。感謝您的測試,我會盡力記住下面的短語。 –