enum size { small, big; }
Class Controller
size sizeType;
Class square extends shape
int num = 1;
Class circle extends shape
int num=2;
size size = size.Small;
void method()
Controller[] sizes = new Controller[n];
// e.g. shape = {small, big, small, small, big}
Shape circle = new Shape();
/* Find 2 'small' continuous circles
OR find 'size' based on the num value
(circle has 2 but should be able to accept
any integer = num declared in the shape class */
// RETURN occurrence of first such index for e.g. 2 as found in 2,3
什麼問題? – egrunin
你的「Shape」類在哪裏? – AJMansfield
「type」枚舉在哪裏? – AJMansfield