2013-06-24 90 views


enum size { small, big; } 

Class Controller 
    size sizeType; 

Class square extends shape 
    int num = 1; 

Class circle extends shape 
    int num=2; 
    size size = size.Small; 

void method() 
    Controller[] sizes = new Controller[n]; 
    // e.g. shape = {small, big, small, small, big} 

    Shape circle = new Shape(); 
    /* Find 2 'small' continuous circles 
     OR find 'size' based on the num value 
     (circle has 2 but should be able to accept 
     any integer = num declared in the shape class */ 

    // RETURN occurrence of first such index for e.g. 2 as found in 2,3  

什麼問題? – egrunin


你的「Shape」類在哪裏? – AJMansfield


「type」枚舉在哪裏? – AJMansfield





enum SizeType { SMALL, BIG; } 

class Shape { 
    SizeType size; 

class Square extends Shape { 
    int num = 1; 

class Circle extends Shape { 
    int num = 2; 
    SizeType size = SizeType.SMALL; 

int findShapeSequence(Shape[] shapes) { 
    // TODO find the first instance of a repeated size value in the array, 
    // and return the index of the first of the shapes whose size repeats. 



如何找到2個類型爲小圓的連續形狀序列? – Phoenix


@Phoenix這是你的工作,搞清楚。我會幫助你,但只有當你真正嘗試自己解決它時纔會幫助你。提示:使用'for'循環遍歷形狀,並將當前'Shape'的'size'值與下一個值的'size'值進行比較。 – AJMansfield


但形狀的數量可以是1/2/3,但不是固定的。對於例如如果有5 ..有一個更簡單的方法來做到這一點? – Phoenix
