$('.handle').on('click', function(){
$('nav ul').toggleClass('showing');
body {
\t margin: 0;
\t padding: 0;
\t font-family: sans-serif;
[id^=drop] {
\t display: none;
/* Giving a background-color to the nav container. */
nav {
\t margin:0;
\t padding: 0;
\t background-color: #254441;
#logo {
\t display: block;
\t padding: 0 30px;
\t float: left;
\t font-size:20px;
\t line-height: 60px;
/* Since we'll have the "ul li" "float:left"
* we need to add a clear after the container. */
nav:after {
\t content:"";
\t display:table;
\t clear:both;
/* Removing padding, margin and "list-style" from the "ul",
* and adding "position:reltive" */
nav ul {
\t float: right;
\t padding:0;
\t margin:0;
\t list-style: none;
\t position: relative;
\t }
/* Positioning the navigation items inline */
nav ul li {
\t margin: 0px;
\t display:inline-block;
\t float: left;
\t background-color: #254441;
\t }
/* Styling the links */
nav a {
\t display:block;
\t padding:14px 20px; \t
\t color:#FFF;
\t font-size:17px;
\t text-decoration:none;
nav ul li ul li:hover { background: #000000; }
/* Background color change on Hover */
nav a:hover {
\t background-color: #000000;
/* Hide Dropdowns by Default
* and giving it a position of absolute */
nav ul ul {
\t display: none;
\t position: absolute;
\t /* has to be the same number as the "line-height" of "nav a" */
\t top: 60px;
/* Display Dropdowns on Hover */
nav ul li:hover > ul {
\t display:inherit;
/* Fisrt Tier Dropdown */
nav ul ul li {
\t width:170px;
\t float:none;
\t display:list-item;
\t position: relative;
/* Second, Third and more Tiers \t
* We move the 2nd and 3rd etc tier dropdowns to the left
* by the amount of the width of the first tier.
nav ul ul ul li {
\t position: relative;
\t top:-60px;
\t /* has to be the same number as the "width" of "nav ul ul li" */
\t left:170px;
/* Change ' +' in order to change the Dropdown symbol */
li > a:after { content: ' +'; }
li > a:only-child:after { content: ''; }
/* Media Queries
--------------------------------------------- */
@media all and (max-width : 768px) {
\t #logo {
\t \t display: block;
\t \t padding: 0;
\t \t width: 100%;
\t \t text-align: center;
\t \t float: none;
\t }
\t nav {
\t \t margin: 0;
\t }
\t /* Hide the navigation menu by default */
\t /* Also hide the */
\t .toggle + a,
\t .menu {
\t \t display: none;
\t }
\t /* Stylinf the toggle lable */
\t .toggle {
\t \t display: block;
\t \t background-color: #254441;
\t \t padding:14px 20px; \t
\t \t color:#FFF;
\t \t font-size:17px;
\t \t text-decoration:none;
\t \t border:none;
\t }
\t .toggle:hover {
\t \t background-color: #000000;
\t }
\t /* Display Dropdown when clicked on Parent Lable */
\t [id^=drop]:checked + ul {
\t \t display: block;
\t }
\t /* Change menu item's width to 100% */
\t nav ul li {
\t \t display: block;
\t \t width: 100%;
\t \t }
\t nav ul ul .toggle,
\t nav ul ul a {
\t \t padding: 0 40px;
\t }
\t nav ul ul ul a {
\t \t padding: 0 80px;
\t }
\t nav a:hover,
\t nav ul ul ul a {
\t \t background-color: #000000;
\t }
\t nav ul li ul li .toggle,
\t nav ul ul a,
nav ul ul ul a{
\t \t padding:14px 20px; \t
\t \t color:#FFF;
\t \t font-size:17px;
\t }
\t nav ul li ul li .toggle,
\t nav ul ul a {
\t \t background-color: #212121;
\t }
\t /* Hide Dropdowns by Default */
\t nav ul ul {
\t \t float: none;
\t \t position:static;
\t \t color: #ffffff;
\t \t /* has to be the same number as the "line-height" of "nav a" */
\t }
\t \t
\t /* Hide menus on hover */
\t nav ul ul li:hover > ul,
\t nav ul li:hover > ul {
\t \t display: none;
\t }
\t \t
\t /* Fisrt Tier Dropdown */
\t nav ul ul li {
\t \t display: block;
\t \t width: 100%;
\t }
\t nav ul ul ul li {
\t \t position: static;
\t \t /* has to be the same number as the "width" of "nav ul ul li" */
\t }
@media all and (max-width : 330px) {
\t nav ul li {
\t \t display:block;
\t \t width: 94%;
\t }
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="logo">Your Logo here</div>
<label for="drop" class="toggle">Menu</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="drop" />
<ul class="menu">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<!-- First Tier Drop Down -->
<label for="drop-1" class="toggle">WordPress +</label>
<a href="#">WordPress</a>
<input type="checkbox" id="drop-1"/>
<li><a href="#">Themes and stuff</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Plugins</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Tutorials</a></li>
<!-- First Tier Drop Down -->
<label for="drop-2" class="toggle">Web Design +</label>
<a href="#">Web Design</a>
<input type="checkbox" id="drop-2"/>
<li><a href="#">Resources</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Links</a></li>
<!-- Second Tier Drop Down -->
<label for="drop-3" class="toggle">Tutorials +</label>
<a href="#">Tutorials</a>
<input type="checkbox" id="drop-3"/>
<li><a href="#">HTML/CSS</a></li>
<li><a href="#">jQuery</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Other</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Graphic Design</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Inspiration</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About</a></li>
我改變了這一點,但仍然無法選擇較低的下拉選項中,不知道什麼可能會導致此。 – gabogabans
嘗試了一個比40px更低的數字?嘗試零開始 – Syfer
嘗試頂部:0px和頂部:100%,仍然沒有。在這裏有些不可思議的東西,就像下拉菜單不想被選中一樣 – gabogabans