2016-08-30 22 views



編輯4 :


import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 
import java.util.InputMismatchException; 
import java.util.NoSuchElementException; 

public class Testing1 
    public static void main(String[] myFile) 
    \t //This array will serve as the storage for the integers. 
     Integer [] listOfIntegers = new Integer[10000]; 
     Integer index = new Integer(0); 
     int count = 0; 
    \t \t  
     if(myFile.length == 0) 
      //This prompt will show when no input detected on the command line arguments. 
     System.out.println("Please input the file name."); 
      //Otherwise, it will read the text file. 
     File data = new File(myFile[0]); 
     Scanner inputData = null; 
      \t //This will create a connection to the file. 
      inputData = new Scanner(data); 
     catch (FileNotFoundException exception) 
      \t \t //This message will appear when the text file entered doesn't exist. 
      System.out.print("ERROR: File not found for: \""); 
      System.out.println(myFile[0]+ "\""); 
      //If the text file does exist, it will go through the file. 
     if (inputData != null) 
      System.out.print("number of integers in file " + " \""); 
      System.out.println(myFile[0] + "\""); 
      while (inputData.hasNextLine()) 
       \t //reads an integer in a line of text  
        Integer element = inputData.nextInt(); 
        listOfIntegers[count] = element; 
       \t \t //prints out the integer and and its index in the array 
        System.out.println("index = " + index + ", element = " + element); 
        index ++; 
        count ++; 
       catch (InputMismatchException e) 
        String word = inputData.next(); 
       catch (NoSuchElementException e) 
       \t \t //to avoid program crashing against this exception. 
      }//end of while 
      System.out.print("\nTotal number of integers in file: " + " \""); 
      System.out.println(myFile[0] + "\"" + " = " + count); 
     }//end of if \t 
     }//end of else  
    }//end of main 
}//end of class


import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 
import java.util.InputMismatchException; 
import java.util.NoSuchElementException; 

public class Testing1 
    public static void main(String[] args)throws InputMismatchException 
     if(args.length == 0) 
      //This prompt will show when no input detected on the command line arguments. 
     System.out.println("Please input the file name."); 
     Integer[] array = Testing1.readFileReturnIntegers(args[0]); 
     Testing1.printArrayAndIntegerCount(array, args[0]); 
    }// end of main 
    public static Integer []readFileReturnIntegers(String inputData) 
     Integer [] listOfIntegers = new Integer[10000]; 
     Integer index = new Integer(0); 
     int count = 0; 
     File data = new File(inputData); 
     Scanner inputReader = null; 
      \t //This will create a connection to the file. 
     inputReader = new Scanner(data); 
     catch (FileNotFoundException exception) 
      \t \t //This message will appear when the text file entered doesn't exist. 
     System.out.print("ERROR: File not found for: \""); 
     System.out.println(inputData+ "\""); 
      //If the text file does exist, it will go through the file. 
     if (inputData != null) 
     System.out.print("number of integers in file " + " \""); 
     System.out.println(inputData + "\""); 
        while (inputReader.hasNextLine()) 
       \t //reads an integer in a line of text  
       Integer element = inputReader.nextInt(); 
       \t \t //prints out the integer and and its index in the array 
       System.out.println("index = " + index + ", element = " + element); 
       index ++; 
       count ++; 
      catch (InputMismatchException e) 
       String word = inputReader.next(); 
      catch (NoSuchElementException e) 
       \t \t //to avoid program crashing against this exception. 
     }//end of while 
     return listOfIntegers;    
    }//end of readFileReturnIntegers 
    public static void printArrayAndIntegerCount(Integer [] array, String inputData) 
     int count = 0; 
     System.out.print("\nTotal number of integers in file: " + " \""); 
     System.out.println(inputData + "\"" + " = " + count); 
    }//end of printArrayAndIntegerCount 
}//end of class


Testing1.java:81: error: cannot find symbol 
     return array;    
    symbol: variable array 
    location: class Testing1 
1 error


number of integers in file "electricity.txt" = 4 
    index = 0, element = 1877 
    index = 1, element = 1923 
    index = 2, element = 1879 
    index = 3, element = 2000


number of integers in file "1000.txt" = 1001 
    index = 0, element = 1000 
    index = 1, element = 2 
    index = 2, element = 3 
    index = 3, element = 5 
    index = 4, element = 7 
    index = 5, element = 11 
    index = 6, element = 13 
    index = 7, element = 17 
    index = 8, element = 19 
    index = 9, element = 23 
    to index 1000 and element 7919


現在還不清楚你在問什麼。請閱讀[問]和[mcve]。 – xenteros


這個標題將適合99%的帖子在這裏。你能想出一個更具描述性的標題嗎? – Henry


'公共靜態整數[] readFileReturnIntegers(String inputData)'是導致錯誤'File data = new File(inputData [0]);'(first errror) – emotionlessbananas





import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 
import java.util.InputMismatchException; 
import java.util.NoSuchElementException; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 

public class Testing1 { 
    public static void main(String[] args)throws InputMismatchException 
     if(args.length == 0) 
      //This prompt will show when no input detected on the command line arguments. 
     System.out.println("Please input the file name."); 
     ArrayList<Integer> array = Testing1.readFileReturnIntegers(args[0]); 
     Testing1.printArrayAndIntegerCount(array, args[0]); 
    }// end of main 

    public static ArrayList<Integer> readFileReturnIntegers(String inputData) 
     ArrayList<Integer> listOfIntegers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 
     int count = 0; 

     File data = new File(inputData); 
     Scanner inputReader = null; 
       //This will create a connection to the file. 
     inputReader = new Scanner(data); 
     catch (FileNotFoundException exception) 
        //This message will appear when the text file entered doesn't exist. 
     System.out.print("ERROR: File not found for: \""); 
     System.out.println(inputData+ "\""); 
      //If the text file does exist, it will go through the file. 
     if (inputData != null) 
     System.out.print("number of integers in file " + " \""); 
     System.out.println(inputData + "\""); 
        while (inputReader.hasNextLine()) 
        //reads an integer in a line of text  
       Integer element = inputReader.nextInt(); 
        //prints out the integer and and its index in the array 
       System.out.println("index = " + count + ", element = " + element); 
       count ++; 
      catch (InputMismatchException e) 
       String word = inputReader.next(); 
      catch (NoSuchElementException e) 
         //to avoid program crashing against this exception. 
     }//end of while 

     return listOfIntegers;    
    }//end of readFileReturnIntegers 

    public static void printArrayAndIntegerCount(ArrayList<Integer> array, String filename) 
     System.out.print("\nTotal number of integers in file: " + " \""); 
     System.out.println(filename + "\"" + " = " + array.size()); 

    }//end of printArrayAndIntegerCount 

}//end of class 


File data = new File(inputData); 

inputData自身的文件名,所以使用inputData,而不是inputData [0]隨處可見的System.out.println


上使用這個數組,你必須解釋一下,爲什麼你這樣做才能提供清晰度 – emotionlessbananas


讓我只是編輯我想做的事情 – aldz24


讓我添加原始代碼,我試圖轉換所需的方法而不是我所擁有的。我不得不重新組織格式,因爲有readfilereturnintegers然後printarrayreturnintegers東西 – aldz24
