2013-12-13 122 views


.main-navigation a { 
    display: block; 
    color: black; 
    font-weight: bold; 
    letter-spacing: 0.45em; 
    line-height: 4.5em; 
    text-decoration: underline; 
    text-transform: uppercase; 


Menu of the website with styled links

的問題是,字母間距那種混亂了下劃線的。我已經畫出了一些 投票磁鐵 徒手圈,以指出問題。該線在左側很好地啓動,但在右側的值爲letter-spacing

截圖源自Firefox 25. Jsfiddle to see for yourself



http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4015263/css-text-underlining-too-long-when-letter-spacing-is-applied – isherwood


@isherwood ,哎呀沒有看到。 – MarioDS


如果你想對你的設計進行評論。不要做下劃線,它看起來醜陋,做一個背景變化的懸停。看例子。 http://jsfiddle.net/JWcGh/3/ – Cam



CSS Text underlining too long when letter-spacing is applied?


.main-navigation a:after { 
    /* absolute positioning keeps it within h1's relative positioned box, takes it out of the document flow and forces a block-style display */ 
    position: absolute; 
    /* the same width as our letter-spacing property on the h1 element */ 
    width: 0.45em; 
    /* we need to make sure our 'mask' is tall enough to hide the underline. For my own purpose 200% was enough, but you can play and see what suits you */ 
    height: 200%; 
    /* set the background colour to the same as whatever the background colour is behind your element. I've used a red box here so you can see it on your page before you change the colour ;) */ 
    background-color: #fff; 
    /* give the browser some text to render (if you're familiar with clearing floats like this, you should understand why this is important) */ 
    content: "."; 
    /* hide the dynamic text you've just added off the screen somewhere */ 
    text-indent: -9999em; 
    /* this is the magic part - pull the mask off the left and hide the underline beneath */ 
    margin-left: -.40em; 

這是非常有創意:)也有趣的是,如果它用在斜體文本上,你需要調整'margin-left'或者將最後一個字母的一部分剪掉。 – MarioDS