2013-04-24 42 views




//assumes the 4 buttons are on the stage, named button1, button2, etc. 
var prerequisiteButtons:Array = [button1, button2, button3, button4]; 
var prerequisitesClicked:Array /*of Boolean*/ = []; 

coyButton.enabled = false;//your fifth button, who plays hard to get 

//loop through and listen for clicks on your prerequisite buttons 
for each (var button:DisplayObject in buttons) { 
    button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkAllClicked); 

//check to see if all the buttons have been clicked 
function checkAllClicked(e:Event):void { 
    //find the button in the prerequisite buttons array 
    var buttonIndex:int = prerequisiteButtons.indexOf(e.currentTarget); 
    //set the matching index to true in the array that keeps track of what has been clicked 
    prerequisitesClicked[buttonIndex] = true; 
    //count how many of them have been clicked 
    var prerequisiteDoneCount:int = 0; 
    for (var i:int = 0; i< prerequisitesClicked.length; i++) { 
     if (prerequisitesClicked[i]) prerequisiteDoneCount++; 
    //if all the buttons have been clicked, enable the button (may also want to add a listener here) 
    if (prerequisiteDoneCount==prerequisiteButtons.length) coyButton.enabled = true; 
