Copid從馬爾科的評論 -
Basically the write performance will not be affected but the read performance will suffer if you have very
very long rows and always read stuff from the back of it.
Over time when you insert the data cassandra will also have to read more sstables to satisfy your read requests,
so with time read performance will degrade if you are not careful
create table groups(
groupid int,
userid int,
groupName text static,
attributes Map(text , text),
primary key (groupid,userid)
查詢 -
insert into groups (groupid,userid,groupName,attributes) values (100,200,'friends',{'admin':'false','moderator':'true','user-member':'true'});
update groups set attributes['admin'] = 'true' where groupid=100 and userid = 200;
假設你在一個組中有1000個成員。當組名更改時,您必須更新1000行。這不壞嗎? –
我們可以保持組名靜態 – Gunwant
基本上寫性能不會受到影響,但如果行數非常長,並且始終從後面讀取數據,讀取性能將會受損。 隨着時間的推移,當您插入數據時,cassandra也必須讀取更多sstables以滿足您的讀取請求,因此如果您不小心,讀取性能會隨着時間的推移而降低。 –