2014-11-23 27 views


typedef struct studentRec{ 
    int id; 
    char name[25]; //the name has a maximum length of 25 letters 
    char major[15]; //the major array has a max length of 15 
    int year; 
    struct studentRec *left, *right; 

student* createNode(int ID, char *name, char *major, int year); 
student* initBST(FILE *input, char *argv); 
student* addNode(student *head, int ID, char *name, char *major, int year); 
int Search(student *head); 
void printInorder(student *n); 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ 
FILE *input; 
printf("This is the name of input: %s\n", argv[1]); 
student *mainHead = malloc(sizeof(student*)); 
mainHead = initBST(input, argv[1]); 
return 0; 

student* initBST(FILE *input, char *argv){ 
    int ID = -1; 
    input = fopen(argv, "r"); 
    fscanf(input, "%d", &ID); 
    student *head = malloc(sizeof(student*)); 
    int grade = -1; 
    while(ID != 0){ 
     char *first, *last, *major, *name; 
     first = malloc(25*sizeof(char)); 
     last = malloc(25*sizeof(char)); 
     major = malloc(25*sizeof(char)); 
     name = malloc(25*sizeof(char)); 
     fscanf(input, "%d", &ID); 
     if(ID == 0){ 
     fscanf(input, "%s %s %s %d", first, last, major, &grade); 
     sprintf(name, "%s %s", first, last); 

     head = addNode(head, ID, name, major, grade); 
    return head; 

void printInorder(student *n){ 
    if(n != NULL){ 
     printf("This is the current value of ID: %d\n", n->id); 

student* createNode(int ID, char *name, char *major, int year){ 
      printf("Adding this ID value: %d\n", ID); 
      student *new = malloc(sizeof(student*)); 
      new->left = NULL; 
      new->right = NULL; 
      new->id = ID; 
      strcpy(new->name, name); 
      strcpy(new->major, major); 
      new->year = year; 
      return new; 

student* addNode(student *head, int ID, char *name, char *major, int year){ 
    if(head == NULL){ 
     printf("head == NULL\n"); 
     return createNode(ID, name, major, year); 
     if(ID < head->id){ 
      return head->left = addNode(head->left, ID, name, major, year); 
     else if(ID > head->id){ 
      return head->right = addNode(head->right, ID, name, major, year); 

這是很多代碼。你有沒有嘗試過使用調試器來完成它? – 2014-11-23 21:35:29


嗯,我剛剛在幾天前安裝了Linux Mint。我不確定什麼樣的調試器可用。我只是使用gedit。有調試器的插件嗎? – Scrungo 2014-11-23 21:37:26


outch :-) gedit可能不是編寫代碼的最佳工具。對於調試器,請嘗試'gdb'。大量的教程在那裏... – 2014-11-23 21:38:34




if(ID < head->id){ 
     return head->left = addNode(head->left, ID, name, major, year); 
    else if(ID > head->id){ 
     return head->right = addNode(head->right, ID, name, major, year); 

由於兩個頭戴式>左,頭戴式>右邊是NULL,ADDNODE的新的迭代將打印你的頭= = NULL消息,但它會正確創建新節點。 addNode的另一個迭代(運行上面的代碼)正確地設置了head-> left或head->,但它然後返回該值,initBST將其設置爲新的頭部。 addNode的相關部分應如下所示:

head->left = addNode(head->left, ID, name, major, year); 
return head; 
// with the other one changed as well 

啊,我現在看到了。我的遞歸調用是有缺陷的。他們每次都只是返回新節點。謝謝,這很好用! – Scrungo 2014-11-23 21:49:10