Picture dlPicture = new Picture();
DataTable DTPictures = dlPicture.GetRandomPicture();
Picture dlPicture2 = new Picture();
DataTable DTPictures2 = dlPicture2.GetRandomPicture();
// the variables to hold the yes and no Id's for each set
string firstNoPicId = "";
string firstYesPicId = "";
string secondNoPicId = "";
string secondYesPicId = "";
foreach (DataRow row in DTPictures.Rows)
firstYesPicId = row["PicID"].ToString();
secondNoPicId = firstYesPicId;
FirstPicMemberNameLabel.Text = row["MemberName"].ToString();
FirstPicLink.ImageUrl = "Pictures/" + row["PicLoc"];
foreach (DataRow row in DTPictures2.Rows)
secondYesPicId = row["PicID"].ToString();
firstNoPicId = secondYesPicId;
SecondPicMemberNameLabel.Text = row["MemberName"].ToString();
SecondPicLink.ImageUrl = "Pictures/" + row["PicLoc"];
if (firstYesPicId != secondYesPicId)
FirstPicLink.PostBackUrl = "default.aspx?yesId=" + firstYesPicId + "&noId=" + firstNoPicId;
SecondPicLink.PostBackUrl = "default.aspx?yesId=" + secondYesPicId + "&noId=" + secondNoPicId;
哪裏的.GetRandomPicture()的代碼? – curtisk 2011-12-15 19:27:42
爲什麼`GetRandomPicture`返回一個`DataTable`爲什麼你循環它的行並一遍又一遍地設置相同的變量? – Magnus 2011-12-15 19:34:48
我在代碼中看不到任何東西。 – 2011-12-15 19:36:36