2010-09-08 34 views






var CONTROLLER = '<%= Url.Content("~/") %>Home/'; 
    jQuery(document).ready(function() { 
      //enable TreeGrid 
      treeGrid: true, 
      //set TreeGrid model 
      treeGridModel: 'adjacency', 
      //set expand column 
      ExpandColumn: 'Name', 
      //url from wich data should be requested 
      url: CONTROLLER + 'TreeGrid', 
      //type of data 
      datatype: 'json', 
      //url access method type 
      mtype: 'POST', 
      //columns names 
      colNames: ['Name', 'Id', 'Role'], 
      //columns model 
      colModel: [ 
       { name: 'Name', index: 'Name', align: 'left' }, 
       { name: 'Id', index: 'Id', width: 1, hidden: true, key: true }, 
       { name: 'Role', index: 'Role', width: 1, hidden: true }, 
      //grid width 
      width: 'auto', 
      //grid height 
      height: 'auto' 


<table id="jqgTreeGrid" class="scroll" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"></table> 


public ActionResult TreeGrid(FormCollection collection) 
    int role = -1; 
    //Here we get the Roles names this user 
    //In my case IsAgent, IsDealer, IsServiceWritter 
    //One user can have all roles or any role 
    //So the first important thing is get the 
    //highest hierarchy role, in this case "IsAgent" 
    //And asign to this role a code. 
    //So IsAgent = 2, IsDealer = 1, IsServiceWritter = 0 

    var rolesArray = (string[])Session["Roles"]; 
    // We search for the highest hiearchy level and 
    // end up the loop 
    foreach (var s in rolesArray) 
     if (s == ROLE_NAME_AGENT) 
      role = (int)RolesEnum.Agent; 
      if (s == ROLE_NAME_DEALER) 
       role = (int)RolesEnum.Dealer; 

       if (s == ROLE_NAME_SW) 
        role = (int)RolesEnum.SW; 
    var children = new List<GetTreeGridValuesResult>(); 
    int level = 0; 
    int parentId = 0; 
    // If we found out a level, we enter the if 
    if (role != -1) 
     // A very important thing to consider is that there 
     // are two keys being send from the treegrid component: 
     // 1. [nodeid] that is the id of the node we are expanding 
     // 2. [n_level] the root is 0, so, if we expand the first child 
     // of the root element the level will be 1... also if we expand the second 
     // child of the root, level is 1. And so... 
     // If [nodeid] is not found it means that we are not expanding anything, 
     // so we are at root level. 
     if (collection.AllKeys.Contains("nodeid")) 
      //In case we are expanding a level, we retrieve the level we are right now 
      //In this example i'll explain the 
      //Tree with id's so you can imagine the way i'm concatenating the id's: 
      // In this case we are at Agent level that have 2 dealers and each dealer 3 service writters 
      // Agent: 5 
      // |_Dealer1: 5_25 
      //  |_SW1: 5_25_1 
      //  |_SW2: 5_25_2 
      //  |_SW3: 5_25_3 
      // |_Dealer2: 5_26 
      //  |_SW4: 5_26_4 
      //  |_SW5: 5_26_5 
      //  |_SW6: 5_26_6 
      // So, if we clic over the SW6: the id will be 5_26_6, his parent will be 5_26 
      // Dealer2 Id is 5_26 and his parent will be 5. 
      level = int.Parse(collection["n_level"]) + 1; 
      //First we split the nodeid with '_' that is our split character. 
      var stringSplitted = collection["nodeid"].Split('_'); 
      //the parent id will be located at the last position of the splitted array. 
      parentId = int.Parse(stringSplitted[stringSplitted.Length - 1]); 
     //Getting childrens 
     var userId = new Guid(Session["UserId"].ToString()); 
     children = GetTreeGridValues(role, userId, parentId, level); 
     //Each children have a name, an id, and a rolename (rolename is just for control) 
     //So if we are are root level we send the parameters and we have in return all the children of the root. 

    //Preparing result 
    var filesData = new 
     page = 1, 
     total = 1, 
     records = children.Count(), 
     rows = (from child in children 
       select new 
        //table of cells values 
        cell = new[] { 
          child.name, // Correspond to the colmodel NAME in javascript 
          // The next one correspond to the colmodel ID in javascript Id 
          // If we are are the root level the [nodeid] will be empty as i explained above 
          // So the id will be clean. Following the example, just 5 
          // If we are expanding the Agent 5 so, the [nodeid] will not be empty 
          // so we take the Agent id, 5 and concatenate the child id, so 5_25 
          (collection["nodeid"] == null ? string.Empty : collection["nodeid"] +'_') + child.id, 
          child.Role, //Correspond to the colmodel ROLE in javascript 
          //The next attributes are obligatory and defines the behavior of the TreeGrid 
          //LEVEL: This is the actual level of the child so, root will be 0, that's why i'm adding 
          // one to the level above. 
          //PARENT ID: If we are at the root [nodeid] will be empty so the parent id is "" 
          // In case of a service writter the parent id is the nodeid, because is the node 
          // we are expanding 
          collection["nodeid"] ?? string.Empty, 
          //IS NOT EXPANDABLE: One thing that was tricky here was that I was using c# true, false 
          //and to make it work it's needed to be strings "true" or "false" 
          // The Child.Role the role name, so i know that if it's a ServiceWriter i'm the last level 
          // so it's not expandable, the optimal way is to get from the database store procedure 
          // if the leaf has children. 
          (child.Role == Enum.GetName(typeof(RolesEnum), RolesEnum.SW) ? "true": "false").ToString(), 
          //IS EXPANDED: I use that is always false, 

    //Returning json data 
    return Json(filesData); 





它看起來像一個很好的評論的例子!因爲您自己回答您的問題,如果您將答案標記爲「已接受」,會更好。它有助於其他。關於你的代碼的小評論。一般來說,jqGrid不僅可以將布爾數據讀取爲「true」和「false」,而且還可以讀取「1」和「0」或者某個時間點1和0。你可以驗證這一點,如果它可以工作,那就改進你的例子。你的想法分享代碼示例我覺得很好! – Oleg 2010-09-08 23:32:56


感謝這個解決方案,它幫助了我很多! – 2012-04-05 09:49:32