2015-02-06 68 views




    if (e.keyCode == 108) { 
    $('.x72:hover .UFILikeLink').click(); 

Like按鈕在iframe內呈現,所以你在這裏運氣不佳。 – dfsq 2015-02-06 18:51:58



這不是一個好主意,使用懸停點擊,因爲Facebook已經在按鍵會當您鍵入的意見被記錄的註釋部分 - 但如果你正在使用一些罕見的按鍵可能沒問題。


    if (e.keyCode == 108) { 
    $('._4-u2:hover .UFILikeLink span').click(); 



;(function($, undefined) { 

var rkeyEvent = /^key/, 
    rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/; 

$.fn.simulate = function(type, options) { 
    return this.each(function() { 
    new $.simulate(this, type, options); 

$.simulate = function(elem, type, options) { 
    var method = $.camelCase("simulate-" + type); 

    this.target = elem; 
    this.options = options; 

    if (this[ method ]) { 
    this[ method ](); 
    } else { 
    this.simulateEvent(elem, type, options); 

$.extend($.simulate, { 

    keyCode: { 
    BACKSPACE: 8, 
    COMMA: 188, 
    DELETE: 46, 
    DOWN: 40, 
    END: 35, 
    ENTER: 13, 
    ESCAPE: 27, 
    HOME: 36, 
    LEFT: 37, 
    NUMPAD_ADD: 107, 
    NUMPAD_DIVIDE: 111, 
    NUMPAD_ENTER: 108, 
    PAGE_DOWN: 34, 
    PAGE_UP: 33, 
    PERIOD: 190, 
    RIGHT: 39, 
    SPACE: 32, 
    TAB: 9, 
    UP: 38 

    buttonCode: { 
    LEFT: 0, 
    MIDDLE: 1, 
    RIGHT: 2 

$.extend($.simulate.prototype, { 

    simulateEvent: function(elem, type, options) { 
    var event = this.createEvent(type, options); 
    this.dispatchEvent(elem, type, event, options); 

    createEvent: function(type, options) { 
    if (rkeyEvent.test(type)) { 
     return this.keyEvent(type, options); 

    if (rmouseEvent.test(type)) { 
     return this.mouseEvent(type, options); 

    mouseEvent: function(type, options) { 
    var event, eventDoc, doc, body; 
    options = $.extend({ 
     bubbles: true, 
     cancelable: (type !== "mousemove"), 
     view: window, 
     detail: 0, 
     screenX: 0, 
     screenY: 0, 
     clientX: 1, 
     clientY: 1, 
     ctrlKey: false, 
     altKey: false, 
     shiftKey: false, 
     metaKey: false, 
     button: 0, 
     relatedTarget: undefined 
    }, options); 

    if (document.createEvent) { 
     event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); 
     event.initMouseEvent(type, options.bubbles, options.cancelable, 
     options.view, options.detail, 
     options.screenX, options.screenY, options.clientX, options.clientY, 
     options.ctrlKey, options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey, 
     options.button, options.relatedTarget || document.body.parentNode); 

     // IE 9+ creates events with pageX and pageY set to 0. 
     // Trying to modify the properties throws an error, 
     // so we define getters to return the correct values. 
     if (event.pageX === 0 && event.pageY === 0 && Object.defineProperty) { 
     eventDoc = event.relatedTarget.ownerDocument || document; 
     doc = eventDoc.documentElement; 
     body = eventDoc.body; 

     Object.defineProperty(event, "pageX", { 
      get: function() { 
      return options.clientX + 
       (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - 
       (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0); 
     Object.defineProperty(event, "pageY", { 
      get: function() { 
      return options.clientY + 
       (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - 
       (doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0); 
    } else if (document.createEventObject) { 
     event = document.createEventObject(); 
     $.extend(event, options); 
     // standards event.button uses constants defined here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/ff974877(v=vs.85).aspx 
     // old IE event.button uses constants defined here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/ms533544(v=vs.85).aspx 
     // so we actually need to map the standard back to oldIE 
     event.button = { 
     0: 1, 
     1: 4, 
     2: 2 
     }[ event.button ] || (event.button === -1 ? 0 : event.button); 

    return event; 

    keyEvent: function(type, options) { 
    var event; 
    options = $.extend({ 
     bubbles: true, 
     cancelable: true, 
     view: window, 
     ctrlKey: false, 
     altKey: false, 
     shiftKey: false, 
     metaKey: false, 
     keyCode: 0, 
     charCode: undefined 
    }, options); 

    if (document.createEvent) { 
     try { 
     event = document.createEvent("KeyEvents"); 
     event.initKeyEvent(type, options.bubbles, options.cancelable, options.view, 
      options.ctrlKey, options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey, 
      options.keyCode, options.charCode); 
     // initKeyEvent throws an exception in WebKit 
     // see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6406784/initkeyevent-keypress-only-works-in-firefox-need-a-cross-browser-solution 
     // and also https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13368 
     // fall back to a generic event until we decide to implement initKeyboardEvent 
     } catch(err) { 
     event = document.createEvent("Events"); 
     event.initEvent(type, options.bubbles, options.cancelable); 
     $.extend(event, { 
      view: options.view, 
      ctrlKey: options.ctrlKey, 
      altKey: options.altKey, 
      shiftKey: options.shiftKey, 
      metaKey: options.metaKey, 
      keyCode: options.keyCode, 
      charCode: options.charCode 
    } else if (document.createEventObject) { 
     event = document.createEventObject(); 
     $.extend(event, options); 

    if (!!/msie [\w.]+/.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) || (({}).toString.call(window.opera) === "[object Opera]")) { 
     event.keyCode = (options.charCode > 0) ? options.charCode : options.keyCode; 
     event.charCode = undefined; 

    return event; 

    dispatchEvent: function(elem, type, event) { 
    if (elem[ type ]) { 
     elem[ type ](); 
    } else if (elem.dispatchEvent) { 
    } else if (elem.fireEvent) { 
     elem.fireEvent("on" + type, event); 

    simulateFocus: function() { 
    var focusinEvent, 
     triggered = false, 
     element = $(this.target); 

    function trigger() { 
     triggered = true; 

    element.bind("focus", trigger); 
    element[ 0 ].focus(); 

    if (!triggered) { 
     focusinEvent = $.Event("focusin"); 
    element.unbind("focus", trigger); 

    simulateBlur: function() { 
    var focusoutEvent, 
     triggered = false, 
     element = $(this.target); 

    function trigger() { 
     triggered = true; 

    element.bind("blur", trigger); 
    element[ 0 ].blur(); 

    // blur events are async in IE 
    setTimeout(function() { 
     // IE won't let the blur occur if the window is inactive 
     if (element[ 0 ].ownerDocument.activeElement === element[ 0 ]) { 
     element[ 0 ].ownerDocument.body.focus(); 

     // Firefox won't trigger events if the window is inactive 
     // IE doesn't trigger events if we had to manually focus the body 
     if (!triggered) { 
     focusoutEvent = $.Event("focusout"); 
     element.unbind("blur", trigger); 
    }, 1); 

/** complex events **/ 

function findCenter(elem) { 
    var offset, 
    document = $(elem.ownerDocument); 
    elem = $(elem); 
    offset = elem.offset(); 

    return { 
    x: offset.left + elem.outerWidth()/2 - document.scrollLeft(), 
    y: offset.top + elem.outerHeight()/2 - document.scrollTop() 

function findCorner(elem) { 
    var offset, 
    document = $(elem.ownerDocument); 
    elem = $(elem); 
    offset = elem.offset(); 

    return { 
    x: offset.left - document.scrollLeft(), 
    y: offset.top - document.scrollTop() 

$.extend($.simulate.prototype, { 
    simulateDrag: function() { 
    var i = 0, 
     target = this.target, 
     eventDoc = target.ownerDocument, 
     options = this.options, 
     center = options.handle === "corner" ? findCorner(target) : findCenter(target), 
     x = Math.floor(center.x), 
     y = Math.floor(center.y), 
     coord = { clientX: x, clientY: y }, 
     dx = options.dx || (options.x !== undefined ? options.x - x : 0), 
     dy = options.dy || (options.y !== undefined ? options.y - y : 0), 
     moves = options.moves || 3; 

    this.simulateEvent(target, "mousedown", coord); 

    for (; i < moves ; i++) { 
     x += dx/moves; 
     y += dy/moves; 

     coord = { 
     clientX: Math.round(x), 
     clientY: Math.round(y) 

     this.simulateEvent(eventDoc, "mousemove", coord); 

    if ($.contains(eventDoc, target)) { 
     this.simulateEvent(target, "mouseup", coord); 
     this.simulateEvent(target, "click", coord); 
    } else { 
     this.simulateEvent(eventDoc, "mouseup", coord); 



    if (e.keyCode == 108) { 
    $('._4-u2:hover .UFILikeLink').simulate('click'); 

