我試圖編寫一個程序,該程序將從用戶處獲取一組經度爲&的緯度座標,將它們轉換爲x & y Mollweide投影映射的座標,然後報告這些座標處的像素值(在本例中爲噪聲溫度)。將經度和緯度轉換爲x和y使用Python中的Newton-Raphson迭代轉換Mollweide地圖座標
我正在使用的地圖/數據是作爲Mollweide投影圖提供的Haslam 408 MHz All Sky Survey。這些數據採用.fits格式,是對408 MHz頻段噪聲的全天候調查。
根據Mollweide projection Wikipedia page,可以使用Newton-Raphson迭代將經度/緯度轉換爲x/y地圖座標。我在我的程序中基於維基百科頁面和this GitHub post中的方法基於迭代方案。
- 我實現迭代方案的方式不正確,從而導致報告不正確的值。
- 我沒有正確理解半徑值R在迭代方案中的含義。我找不到任何關於如何確定超出「R是要投影的地球半徑」的適當R值的文獻。我認爲這將基於像素大小的地圖;在這種情況下,地圖圖像是4096x2048像素,所以我嘗試過使用2048,1024,並且只是1作爲R值,但無濟於事。
from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt, asin
from astropy.io import fits
hdulist = fits.open('data.fits')
data = hdulist[1].data
sqrt2 = sqrt(2)
def solveNR(lat, epsilon=1e-6): #this solves the Newton Raphson iteration
if abs(lat) == pi/2:
return lat # avoid division by zero
theta = lat
while True:
nexttheta = theta - (
(2 * theta + sin(2 * theta) - pi * sin(lat))/
(2 + 2 * cos(2 * theta))
if abs(theta - nexttheta) < epsilon:
theta = nexttheta
return nexttheta
def checktheta(theta, lat): #this function is also currently unused while debugging
return (2 * theta + sin(2 * theta), pi * sin(lat))
def mollweide(lat, lon, lon_0=0, R=1024):
lat = lat * pi/180
lon = lon * pi/180
lon_0 = lon_0 * pi/180 # convert to radians
theta = solveNR(lat)
return (R * 2 * sqrt2 * (lon - lon_0) * cos(theta)/pi,
R * sqrt2 * sin(theta))
def inv_mollweide(x, y, lon_0=0, R=1024, degrees=True): # inverse procedure (x, y to lat, long). Currently unused
theta = asin(y/(R * sqrt2))
if degrees:
factor = 180/pi
factor = 1
return (
asin((2 * theta + sin(2 * theta))/pi) * factor,
(lon_0 + pi * x/(2 * R * sqrt(2) * cos(theta))) * factor
def retrieve_temp(lat, long): #retrieves the noise temp from the data file after calling the mollweide function
lat = int(round(lat))
long = int(round(long))
coords = mollweide(lat, long)
x, y= coords
x = int(round(x))
y= int(round(y))
x = x-1
y = y-1
if x < 0:
x = x*(-1)
if y < 0:
y = y*(-1)
print("The noise temperature is: ",data[y, x],"K")
def prompt(): #this is the terminal UI
cont = 1
while cont == 1:
lat_cont = 1
while lat_cont == 1:
lat = float(input('Please enter the latitude: '))
lat_val = 1
while lat_val == 1:
if lat > 180 or lat < -180:
lat = float(input('Invalid input. Make sure your latitude value is in range -180 to 180 degrees \n'
'Please enter the latitude: '))
lat_val = 0
lat_cont = 0
long_cont = 1
while long_cont == 1:
long = float(input('Please enter the longitude: '))
long_val = 1
while long_val == 1:
if long > 90 or long < -90:
long = float(input('Invalid input. Make sure your latitude value is in range -90 to 90 degrees \n'
'Please enter the latitude: '))
long_val = 0
long_cont = 0
retrieve_temp(lat, long)
valid = 1
while valid == 1:
ans = input('Would you like to continue? Y or N: ').lower()
ans_val = 1
while ans_val ==1:
if not (ans == 'y' or ans == 'n'):
ans = input('Invalid input. Please answer Y or N to continue or exit: ')
elif ans == 'y':
ans_val = 0
cont = 1
valid = 0
elif ans == 'n':
ans_val = 0
cont = 0
valid = 0
只是爲了確認,你是在做這個個人項目,而不想使用任何現有的工具包,特別是像proj4的東西? – barrycarter
@barrycarter是的,我是一名本科Astro學生,將其作爲一個個人夏季項目,以保持我的編碼技能與Astro相關。 –